Florida: Shaun King and Hamas-linked CAIR claim girl was attacked for being Muslim, but fight was really over a boy – IOTW Report

Florida: Shaun King and Hamas-linked CAIR claim girl was attacked for being Muslim, but fight was really over a boy

Jihad Watch: Not just race-baiter Shaun King, who like the Palm Beach Post is apparently unaware that Islam is not a race, but also Hamas-linked CAIR has been all over this: see its press release, “CAIR-Florida Seeks Criminal Charges for Assault on Muslim Teen in Boca Raton.”

Shakeel Munshi, the father of the girl, is responsible. He posted the video of the fight at YouTube and Facebook, with this claim: “My daughter Manaal munshi(14 years – 9th grade student) was getting bullied by couple of school (West Boca High School, Boca Raton, FL) girls because she was Muslim.”

But it’s all yet another lie, yet another fake hate crime, designed to enhance the false impression that Muslims are the victims of wholesale persecution and harassment in the U.S., and thus should be spared law enforcement scrutiny over jihad terror plotting: “The Sheriff’s Office said they spoke with the mother of the girl who was beaten and ‘at NO time was race or bullying ever discussed, determined or considered to have played a role in the altercation.’…’Nothing at this time indicates a hate crime. It was apparently over a boyfriend,’ the Sheriff’s Office told King on Twitter.”  read more

8 Comments on Florida: Shaun King and Hamas-linked CAIR claim girl was attacked for being Muslim, but fight was really over a boy

  1. Boca Raton I wonder how many Muslims would live there if it were called Bacon Raton.

    Minneapolis could become Baconeapolis or Porkopolis.
    Germany; Baconany or Deutschland;Swineland

    European eighborhoods plagued by illegal Muslim problems need to renamed themselves.

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