Florida: Sheik Who Called For Gays and Jews to Be Killed ‘Special Guest Speaker’ At Orlando Middle School – IOTW Report

Florida: Sheik Who Called For Gays and Jews to Be Killed ‘Special Guest Speaker’ At Orlando Middle School

Dangerous: Less than two years after 49 people were slaughtered by an Islamic terrorist at a gay nightclub in Orlando, the Greenwood Lakes Middle School in coordination with Muslim community groups in Orlando have decided to host a Syrian sheik who has called for the killing of gays and all Jews.

In a flyer created for a “Positive Parenting Skills” conference, Islamic scholar Dr. M. Rateb Al-Nabulsi is listed as a “special guest speaker” at the event, which is being held by the Security Advancement Center (SAC), Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA), and Aisha Cultural Center in Orlando.

The event is described as a day-long conference with Muslim community organizers with an emphasis on parenting and family issues according to what is said in the Koran and Sunnah.

Al Nabulsi, the Muslim extremist guest speaker, is notorious for making anti-American, anti-gay, and anti-Jew comments, all of which have been caught on camera and translated into English.  Nonetheless, he has been invited back into the very same community that is still struggling to recover from a jihadi who wreaked havoc on innocents at the Pulse nightclub.

In April 2011 while speaking to a group of Muslims in the Middle East, Al Nabulsi said, “Homosexuality carries the death penalty,” and explained why gays should be punished with death, calling homosexuality, “a filthy place that leads to the destruction of the homosexual.” In Islam, the death penalty for homosexuals is usually carried out by hanging a gay person from a crane, decapitation, and throwing gays off buildings.  MORE

8 Comments on Florida: Sheik Who Called For Gays and Jews to Be Killed ‘Special Guest Speaker’ At Orlando Middle School

  1. The only connection between the left and Muslims is an evil desire to rule by dictate. No other logical connection exists as one group has stated goals that are a complete contradiction to the other’s.

  2. They’re real slow learners down in Fla. aren’t they?

    Maybe not aboutr every topic. But clearly failing to learn lessons from recent past, when a lot of people were killed, that if learned would improve there chances of not being again attacked and killed.

    That’s what happens when you’d rather be PC (politically correct) than savvy and secure.

    The TSA operates in the PC Priority Mode (PCPM) , which is another reason why I don’t fly any more.

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