Florida Sheriff Says Homeowners Can Save Taxpayers Money by Shooting Intruders – IOTW Report

Florida Sheriff Says Homeowners Can Save Taxpayers Money by Shooting Intruders

Breitbart: Santa Rosa County, Florida, Sheriff Bob Johnson told reporters Thursday his constituents save taxpayers money by shooting intruders.

WHIO reports that Johnson used a Thursday press conference to announce that 32-year-old Brandon J. Harris was arrested Wednesday. The Charlotte Observer notes that Harris “has been arrested 17 times” and is now under arrest for alleged break-ins in the neighborhood of Pace.

Johnson explained that the time between when police were called and Harris was arrested was approximately 30 minutes. During that time, a homeowner shot at Harris but missed him.

The Pensacola News Journal points out that Johnson commented on the homeowner’s actions, saying, “One of the homeowners, he was breaking into their house, and they shot at him. So he continues to run. We finally corner him in a house that he broke into on Tom Sawyer and we cornered him in a bedroom.” more here

15 Comments on Florida Sheriff Says Homeowners Can Save Taxpayers Money by Shooting Intruders

  1. Its cheaper and less trouble to just keep a quality plastic sheet on the floor so clean up and body disposal is quicker. Safety tip: Bodies rot away faster on ground surface than under the dirt, 9-12 days on summer time average. Put head and hands in separate out of state grave. Do not use lime, bugs and critters don’t like it.

  2. This should be the same advice given to the Border Patrol and the National Guard that are trying to stop the illegals.

    They are breaking into our country, go ahead and shoot them upon crossing the border. Once the bodies start piling up, the rest may get the message. If not, Obama gave the Department of Education, the Department of Knitting and the Department of Lawns all tons of ammo, so take that and keep shooting.

  3. Mouse APRIL 23, 2022 AT 3:14 PM

    “Good, who’s there? A fellow right winger, your dead!”

    Drunk when you wrote that? Can’t make heads nor tails of your intent.

    A right winger won’t be intruding on anyone. They wouldn’t be a right winger if they were. That’s a lefty trait of not respecting other’s homes and property.

    Only a lefty would take some example to a ridiculous extreme and try to say a righty would do what he proposes in a scenario, so I guess that makes you a psycho lefty?

    If not, please `splain your comment otherwise.

  4. 5.56 rounds were 13c each back during the Vietnam War. Whatever the cost now is cheaper than ad nauseum trials and keeping the criminal in prison.

    Just shoot the scumbags that break into your home.

  5. Resident of Santa Rosa County here. I hope this guy runs again so I can vote for him. As an HOA board member, I’ll do what I can to campaign for him. Refreshingly honest and candid.


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