Florida: Teen bites chicken’s head off, gets charged with animal cruelty – IOTW Report

Florida: Teen bites chicken’s head off, gets charged with animal cruelty

FOX: A 17-year-old high school student in Florida is facing animal cruelty charges after he bit off the head of chicken on Saturday in what one official described as a “pretty sadistic” act.

The Volusia County Sheriff’s Office said in a Facebook post that David Andrew Jimenez, 17, went to University High School in Orange City and entered a chicken coop at the school for a “Farm to Table” event held earlier in the day.

A teacher on Monday discovered the headless body of a chicken in the parking lot, and its head was later found inside the chicken coop, according to police. School officials also found that the chicken’s eggs had been thrown in the gym and against the gym doors.  more here

24 Comments on Florida: Teen bites chicken’s head off, gets charged with animal cruelty

  1. “To kill an animal, a live animal and it’s sad that the kids worked very hard,” Beth Bechir said.

    It’s nearly impossible to kill a dead animal.

    What were the culinary students going to do with the chicken when it stopped laying eggs?

  2. I ran into a 9 year old kid and his brother a couple weeks ago at an auction. The kid asked me; Is there anything on this hay wagon that you like? I told him it was mostly junk and I was planning on going home. He agreed, then said he got two hatchets earlier. However he had to pay for them because they also held up two shiny new hammers along with the hatchets.

    He said he bought the hatchets for him and his brother’s “chikkin operation.”

    Smart kid and most likely not going to be a limp wrist liberal!

  3. Killing the property of somebody else was wrong, killing it and letting it go to waste is wrong. However, it is a chicken, chickens are meant for food. In order to kill a chicken you either chop off it’s head, pull it’s head off or wring it’s neck which results in pulling off it’s head.

    I just always find it so strange when people get their panties in a wad over a chicken. A chicken is a dumb, nasty animal and is prey for just about everything because they are so stupid.

  4. Yesterday I was cruising along and a squirrel jumped out and my tire popped its rodent face all over the pavement. I did absolutely nothing to prevent the incident. It sucks to kill something, but it’s either yanking the wheel or stomping the breaks to save the rodent’s life. I’m not sure how many people get injured or killed trying to avoid running over a rodent, but 1 person is too many.

  5. Great, this is only 5 miles from the town I live in. And yes, animal cruelty by juveniles has long been a warning sign of anti-social or even psychopathic/sociopathic behavior later in life.

  6. Isn’t that pretty similar to the way chickens are normally dispatched (a quick twist of the neck)? Why is one standard practice for thousands of years, and the other considered animal cruelty?

  7. One of my favorite Paul Harvey stories was about the woman who was cooking a chicken in her oven and she heard strange clucking sounds coming from inside the oven. She went to check on it and was surprised that the cooking chicken was clucking and it freaked her out. Evidently when they killed this particular chicken its vocal hadn’t been completely removed from its neck and the rising steam inside the oven caused the vocal chords to make a clucking sound like a live chicken was inside her oven. That would freak me out as well.


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