Florida: “The grill was turned on and the propane tank was open in the back of the red Kia Sorento” – IOTW Report

Florida: “The grill was turned on and the propane tank was open in the back of the red Kia Sorento”

A Florida couple transporting a propane barbecue grill inside their SUV was injured Sunday after …  You’ll never guess.


h/t Dave.


25 Comments on Florida: “The grill was turned on and the propane tank was open in the back of the red Kia Sorento”

  1. [hovers mouse over the link without actually clicking it]
    Oh! Well, that was stupid. surprised they didn’t decide to light a few scented candles too while they were at it.

  2. @ Brad, one of Wifey’s brothers lost a child to it drowning in a 3 gallon bucket. The nanny walked away to do something, that shit really happens, granted, it was Cebu, but it is the truth.

  3. This kind of thing is why we have in Alaska a radio show guessing game called “It happened in Florida.” I wonder if Florida just ever puts its face in its hands and whimpers, “Why is it always me??”

  4. Man, I hate it when that happens!

    Won time, back afore I was vi-Preznit – or even Sanetar cum to think of it – me an my homies was grillin chicken in the basement of a row house in Scranton – y’no – drinkin beer, smoking som …… uh .. stuff, and havin a good time whin somoe of the guys just started droppin .. I laughed when Big Head split his coconut on the end table but in the ind the firemans came an opened some windows and shit.
    Tole us we wwere sposed to grill outsides! Man it was cold! Dum fuckin firemans!

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