Florida Uber driver files lawsuit to protect gun rights – IOTW Report

Florida Uber driver files lawsuit to protect gun rights

Guns.com :  An Uber driver filed suit in federal court earlier this month arguing his right to bear arms trumps the ride service’s policy banning users from carrying firearms.

Jose Mejia, who started driving for Uber in the greater Miami-Dade area last year, has a Florida license to carry a concealed weapon and said he wants to bring his gun with him in the often high-crime areas he transits, but argues the company’s no-firearm policy prevents it.

Citing Florida’s 2008 law protecting guns in motor vehicles, Mejia filed suit in U.S. District Court in Fort Lauderdale seeking a class action against Uber to overturn its policy.  more here

8 Comments on Florida Uber driver files lawsuit to protect gun rights

  1. bans, censorship, company policy, derp state, msm, lawmakers making laws to protect themselves from us, never ending taxes of all kinds, regulations out the kazoo, activist judges, traitors, and treasonous activity of all kinds, makes a guy fussy after awhile. I suspect there are a few others getting snippy as well. To put it mildly.

  2. He should have carried without asking permission or saying anything about it to ANYONE. And keep it well concealed. Just know that if it has to be used in self-defense, he will get fired. But he will be alive.

  3. I feel bad for Uber drivers, trying to make a living and willing entrepreneurs. I had a great experience the one day I used Uber (4 trips). But I have deleted the app, will never use them again. Not because of the drivers but because of the management.

  4. @RickeyG – That’s what I would do, but I’m glad Mejia has the wherewithal to take it to the court for his fellow Uber drivers and others in similar occupations. A legal judgment against hoplophobic company disarmament policies would be a Very Good Thing.

  5. As I told one of my employees when he asked if he could carry his legal concealed carry gun (contrary to company policy) while “in the field”; I said I would not ask, and he shouldn’t tell. But some day he might have to choose between his job or his life.

  6. Your 2nd Amendment rights go where ever you go.

    Just SHUT UP about carrying a weapon, and no one will know. There is no need to BEG the expensive court system to protect your rights they care nothing about.

    They would prefer you DIE and then feel oh so sorry about they whole thing, punish the criminal, but never suggest you had the right to defend yourself in the 1st place.

  7. Don’t ask, don’t tell. Carry everywhere it’s legal (i.e. not in government buildings, airport restricted areas, etc.) even in so-called “gun free zones”. Criminals are certainly carrying. If people don’t know you’re carrying (and they shouldn’t if you do it correctly) they have no reason to bother you. Sure, you can be kicked off private property, and yes, you might lose your job if you have to draw your weapon, but you’ll go home to your spouse and kids and the bad guy won’t.

    That “no government buildings” rule has always toasted me. Lying politicians SHOULD be afraid after screwing us over so hard and so often. An armed society tends to make people more polite, even the politicos. I also like Archie Bunker’s method of gun safety on airplanes where they issue a gun to each passenger when you get on the plane and collect them back when you get off. I’d bet there’d never be another hijacking or 9/11.


    Indiana is working on “Constitutional Carry” right now. Here’s hoping it passes, but I’m not optimistic – they still regulate selling beer by whether it’s warm or cold. [eyeroll]

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