Florida woman exercising at gym is attacked, but she fights back – IOTW Report

Florida woman exercising at gym is attacked, but she fights back


A woman was exercising at a Florida gym when a man grabbed her and pinned her to the ground, officials said.

But the woman — a self-described bodybuilder — kept fighting back, video from the fitness center shows.

“I would tell every woman always to keep fighting, never give up,” Nashali Alma told the Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office. watch h/t Brad.

27 Comments on Florida woman exercising at gym is attacked, but she fights back

  1. I’m very glad she fought him off. BUT, she buzzed him in the door without knowing who he was. The gym was in her apartment complex, and as far as I can tell from the video she was in there alone. What female, with any sense of situational awareness, would let someone she doesn’t know (let alone a man) into that space. Not me for sure.

  2. I’m pretty sure what happened here is some where during the physical confrontation she figured out, hey, I could make this asshole MY bitch. To quote one of my lifting buddies, “There’s two types of people in this world, those that lift, and pussies”. LOL
    I hope this young lady enrolls in some self defense courses. But she is awesome.

  3. Her attacker was a drugged out wimp or otherwise she would not have stood a chance against him. An angel was there to get her through it.
    She definitely needs to be armed (especially a small woman) and get some common sense – Don’t open a door to strangers.

  4. 99th
    Our young lady can bench in excess of 135 pounds for reps of 8 to 10. She can squat 225. She does bent over rows with 65 pound dumbbells. Our drugged out perp would probably die from a heart attack doing her leg routine. In gyms across all of America, women out train the men. Except for us old fossils. It’s true. I’m there every day.

  5. Not at my gym Brad.
    The women do a 12 second time-under-tension set of partial reps followed by 5 minutes on instagram.
    They ALL carry their phone with them but NEVER a towel.
    Of course who needs a towel in the gym?
    They take up residency in the squat rack trying to look like a deformed water buffalo with an enormous ass.
    They take barbells and bend over at the waist, straining TF out of their lower back enough to make any chiropractor see dollar signs in his future.
    Consider yourself lucky, the women in my gym are stupid, vapid, and narcissistic as can be.
    Some of the views aren’t bad though, especially the chicks who sit in the co-ed sauna in a skimpy bikini.

  6. True Brad. Young woman who gym are fit and strong, but watching that video it’s obvious to me if that drug-addled, heart attack in his future creep was equally fit, he would have gotten exactly what he wanted without much effort.
    Women in general don’t have the strength to fight off most men during hand to hand combat. The young lady did her best in fighting off that creep and she deserves credit for it.

  7. Loco, wow wow wow, that sucks. I have seen what you describe. I lose patience quickly with cell phone addicts. I dunno, maybe an unique deal but at my gym 85% of the woman are bad ass. And they will take advise from an old fossil like me when the young males will blow me off. With one exception, I haven’t given tips to a young guy in five years. Fuck em.

  8. I guess I shouldn’t complain too much.
    When I first started going to gyms it was 98% dudes.
    Another problem I have is my shoulder injury that keeps me from using all the equipment so I get pissed when someone takes up residence on the ones I can use.
    Injuries suck and take forever to heal as you age.

  9. Anytime I see someone doing something dangerous to their back I’ll say something

    I now have a bad back which will plague me even after they put me six in a hole, because I spent decades doing things that needlessly stressed my back … sort of like what you are doing right now

    Now I could suggest something that will get you the same result without the harm to your back ….

    BTW, I second what everyone is saying about getting older. The ways you can strain a muscle or joint are endless. And you never can adjust, cause you’re always getting OLDER .. so there’s always some new way that your body can betray you


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