Florida’s laws preventing child sex changes, drag show for kids struck down by federal judge – IOTW Report

Florida’s laws preventing child sex changes, drag show for kids struck down by federal judge

PM: This Month, two US District Judges have blocked three Florida bills intended to prevent the sexualization of children. On Friday, US District Judge Gregory Presnell blocked a bill to ban child attendance of drag shows. 

The judge said the bill that banning minors from attending “obscene live performances” is too broad of a category and violates of the performer’s first amendment rights. “Florida already has statutes that provide such protection (from obscene performances). Rather, this statute is specifically designed to suppress the speech of drag queen performers,” he stated.

The law would ban children from attending performances that “depicts or simulates nudity, sexual conduct, sexual excitement, specific sexual activities, … lewd conduct, or the lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts.”

Presnell wrote in his ruling that the law doesn’t define what constitutes a “child”, “lewd conduct”, or “lewd exposure of prosthetic or imitation genitals or breasts.” The same goes for what a “live performance” is. 

A live performance “could conceivably range from a sold-out burlesque show to a skit at a backyard family barbecue,” he reportedly said.  MORE HERE

18 Comments on Florida’s laws preventing child sex changes, drag show for kids struck down by federal judge

  1. US District Judge Gregory Presnell & US District Judge Robert Hinkle
    Appointed by Bill Clinton

    By the time all the evil is rooted out of the government, there won’t be any government left.

  2. So how many federal courts have struck down drinking age? Driving age? Marriage age? Age of consent? Voting age? Selective service age? Age to be elected to congress, senate or president?

    Can 12 year olds get tattoos now?


  3. Can I have a cigarette? No, you’re 5.
    Can I have a Beer? No, you’re 5.
    Can I drive a car? No, you’re 5.
    Can I take hormones and change my sex? Sure! You know best.

  4. The judge did have a valid point that we already have laws that outlaw obscene behavior, lewd behavior, public nudity, abuse related to minors so why can’t we get any of these laws enforced. In the past we arrested people that exposed themselves or acted out sex acts in public. Even bands and famous people like George Michael have been arrested and prosecuted.

  5. The judge didn’t say such conduct couldn’t be controlled; he said the law was over-broad and vague. One would think our professional legislators would know how to write a proper law, having had their entire adult doing just that. Maybe they just japped DeSantis by knowingly passing a law that could not withstand judicial scrutiny.

    All together now: “Well, we tried but the courts struck it down …nothing to be done about it.”

  6. ignore the judge like the judge ignored the citizens wishes.
    they are not kings and can be removed from office.
    if politicians took charge and removed wayward judiciary appointees most of the legeslating from the bench would stop.


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