Florida’s Lee County Sends Letter To Speaker Johnson Demanding Action On Machine Fraud – IOTW Report

Florida’s Lee County Sends Letter To Speaker Johnson Demanding Action On Machine Fraud

Miami Independent: Lee County Republicans wrote, “We are trying to start a movement for the voting public to call the Speaker and get this issue on their agenda to hear the facts about our States do not really run our elections. The machines and the programming is all done by private companies. Private companies really control and run our elections.

“Congress has heard before some of the ease to manipulate the vote using computerized machines, however we now have a new Speaker that may have been chosen to take on the Election Mob in Washington DC . We definitely need more publicity about the machines and why hand counting is Secure Transparent Accurate and Fast.

“The question is…who really runs our elections? The States or Private Companies that exclusively program the machines. more

9 Comments on Florida’s Lee County Sends Letter To Speaker Johnson Demanding Action On Machine Fraud

  1. MrLiberty: “Paper ballots, hand counted, with voting on ONLY ONE DAY. Until that comes to pass, trust NOTHING.”

    That, AND thoroughly prosecute anyone and everyone involved in election fraud in a timely and open fashion. Make it so that people would be scared shitless to even attempt it.

  2. Companies that exclusively program the machines

    That’s the problem. This programming is paid for by public funds yet the public has no access or any insight whatsoever to their code. These are public elections for the public and by the public. Whatever backdoor deals the government has going on with these voting machine companies that operate in secrecy needs to stop immediately and all code surrendered and licensed to the public domain where it belongs. All changes to the program need to be open source and highly scrutinized by anyone who wants to. It’s OURS.

    The fact that no one in our federal government is for this is quite telling. We always hear about free and fair elections yet no one does anything to insure they are free or fair.

    Especially at the dawn of AI. You know damn good and well their closed source code will be written with AI, and who controls the AI? It’s going to get worse.

  3. Of course the machines & their coding is secrect & secure. Public? So anyone can hack em?
    No way Jose. Presidential publc vote doesn’t count. Electoral College elects the President. Remember 2016, Hillary won the popular/publc vote but Trump hacked the Electoral College for the win. Then in 2020 his attempt at fake electors was caught. No doubt his cheating ways will be carefully watched over if he makes it that far.

  4. @ Chucklehead: “Of course the machines & their coding is secrect & secure. Public? So anyone can hack em?”

    All the robust encryption (the engine part, maybe not the user interface) is open source. All the commercial encryption that was ‘secret and secure’ has been destroyed by white hat hackers. Open source (as stated above) allows shitty programming and obvious weaknesses in the code to be aired out and fixed.


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