Florida’s Vote by Mail ballots – IOTW Report

Florida’s Vote by Mail ballots

Praying Mantis

Imagine you’re saving for something special so you deposit $100 every month in your bank account. At the end of the year when you intend to withdraw the money, the teller informs you the account is empty. Because you made your deposit via ATM, there must be a record but the bank refuses to provide the electronic transactions. Where is the money? Who is at fault? Perhaps someone stole your debit card but how can you tell?

If this happened to me, I’d be kicking and screaming to see the ATM’s records.  I’m sure the law provides a mechanism for audit to recover my money or at least find out how it disappeared.

Now, let’s examine another scenario. Even though 8,220,494 Floridians voted in the 2018 Governor Race, Ron DeSantis won by a mere 32,463 votes. That is a razor thin margin. It’s even more critical in school boards, state representatives, and other local races. Oftentimes, these positions are won by a handful of votes.

Here is another sobering fact: In 2016, 0.86% Vote by Mail (VBM) ballots were rejected. In 2020, the rejection rate was 0.29% but the number of VBM’s almost doubled. Very suspicious and extremely convenient to execute shenanigans. more

11 Comments on Florida’s Vote by Mail ballots

  1. I keep on remembering the satisfaction of a voting scenario in America’s past where we helped a country establish free elections which required a simple proof of vote: A purple finger.

    Remember? Why not do that here with as much of the population that can physically go the polls like it use to be. Tighten up absentee balloting.

    What? Won’t work? Oh yeah then elections and illegitimate governments won’t happen.

    This country will never have another legitimate election again because the Chinese will never allowit.

  2. LOL, I’ll stop banging on you bud, but this is important. Getting good with a firearm is 85% dry fire, 15% range time. You verify what you’ve learned while dry firing through live fire. It’s absolutely true. Go get you a lazer round and get to it. At least 30 minutes a day. I want to shoot that G19.

  3. From what I can gather, FL is still in the ERIC system which is heavily funded by Soros. The ERIC system is promoted as being primarily for cleaning up voter roles but of course, in proggie fashion, it does the opposite.

    I’m worried enough about the next election here in FL to have revoked my vote by mail status. We’ll be voting in person although we fully understand that the only assurance that will give us is that our ballot was processed. How our votes are counted is out of our hands with no guarantee.

    We read article after article about Biden hiding in his basement and laughed and laughed just knowing we had that one in the bag. Well look who’s occupying the oval office now. The joke is on us.

    Anyone who thinks the proggies are going to roll over and play dead when they have never been even remotely as close as they are now to subjugating the people of the nation they have loathed their entire lifetime is fooling them self.

  4. Praying Mantis,
    “I’m sure the law provides a mechanism for audit to recover my money or at least find out how it disappeared.”

    Boom on boomer! Boom on.

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