Fly Me To The Moon – IOTW Report

Fly Me To The Moon

SNAS: Apollo 11 was the first manned mission to land on the Moon. The first steps by humans on another planetary body were taken by Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin on July 20, 1969. The astronauts also returned to Earth the first samples from another planetary body. Apollo 11 achieved its primary mission – to perform a manned lunar landing and return the mission safely to Earth – and paved the way for the Apollo lunar landing missions to follow. more

NASA Imagery.

42 Comments on Fly Me To The Moon

  1. My, how time flies, I was 16 when Apollo 11 occurred and watched it with my dad and brothers on our big green pleasure machine color TV. We need to go back to the moon and beyond and make dreams of space exploration alive again for new generations of 16 year old’s like it did for me and my generation. And no more pussyfooting with the muslime’s to make it politically correct either.

  2. “Oh, it’s no world for an old man any longer. What sort of a world is it at all? Men on the moon, and men spinning around the earth, and there’s not no attention paid to earthly law and order no more.”
    -“A Clockwork Orange”(1971)

  3. Jeannine
    JULY 20, 2021 AT 12:45 PM
    “I was a kid back then and I still remember when Walter Cronkite said “They’re on the moon”……was a glorious time……”

    …remember when you could believe thr media, and didn’t know Walter Cronkite was a pinko?

    …good times, good times…

  4. Bezos accomplished today what a monkey and a slide rule accomplished 72 years ago and we’re supposed to be amazed by all his technological advancements?

    Just sayin…

  5. …and Cronkite went on to sell out our troops in Vietnam by presenting Tet, an abject failure for the Communists, as a signal defeat for the United States that made the war “unwinnable”.

    …I don’t care how “cool” he made the moon landings sound. It’s unforgivable how he sold out our military and handed the Communist a victory from their loss that resulted in the torture and murder of millions, all because he was a Democrat who hated Nixon and didn’t care about anything else.

    …kind of seeing a pattern here…

  6. I remember this very well. I was 14 at the time and hanging around outside with friends. My mother forced me to come in and watch and I was pissed. “You’ll thank me for this someday” she said. I do. Thank you, mom. xo

  7. I always peg this grand chievement to the glories of a largely law abiding, educated, and yes, overwhelming white nation. And no I am not being racist but the 1964 Kennedy immigration laws had not impacted America yet. What a different world now. Yesterday, those men were national treasures, now we celebrate men trying to breastfeed newborns

  8. Deplorable Second Class
    JULY 20, 2021 AT 2:52 PM
    “MY son was born just the month before, he landed safely.”

    …there’s a “splash down” joke in there somewhere, but I’ll let it go at congratulations on a successful (re?)entry!

  9. According to NASA the first woman and negro for the next moon landing. Yea that’s going to work out well. 2024 target date may change to first tranny or whatever

  10. @F4U

    NASA has no sense of humor. They could have found a female named Alice and trained her to be an astronaut.

    Then Walter Crankcase would have said “And Alice steps out on the surface of the moon” and maybe, just maybe, had let out a short giggle before composing himself.

  11. GIANT DILDO with a enlarged Head.

    And WHITE of all things.

    No bitching of racism from BLM either?
    Was the crew culturally diverse enough?
    I’m seeing 4 Honkies in a Giant White Dildo burning Carbon and rubbing it in Gretta & LeBrons faces.



    Yet men farting loudly is considered Fart Rape.

  12. Whenever I hear that song, Fly me to the Moon, I remember a guest on the Tonight Show, back in the 60s. He told about being in a night club somewhere in South America, where a beautiful woman was singing that song. Only problem was the woman didn’t speak or read english, but had memorized the words to the song, as someone had taught her. Unfortunately, the guy who taught her substituted for the word “fly”, another word that began with “F”.


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