Flynn Defense Submits Outstanding Sur-Surreply to Counter Prosecution – IOTW Report

Flynn Defense Submits Outstanding Sur-Surreply to Counter Prosecution

CTH: In the case against Lt. General Michael Flynn, his lawyer Sidney Powell previously filed a motion to compel (MTC) Brady material from the prosecution (here).  Because the MTC raised stunning, potentially game-changing, legal and ethical issues the prosecution requested the opportunity to file a surreptitious reply to the court; a “surreply”. (here)

Judge Sullivan directed the prosecution to file their surreply, and then granted the defense the opportunity to file a sur-surreply, a response to the prosecution’s last argument. Today Flynn’s attorney Sidney Powell filed that response (full pdf below).

Having read thousands, perhaps tens-of-thousands, of legal filings, motions and court documents presenting arguments of material consequence, this sur-surreply to the arguments of the prosecution is artful in its succinct intent of getting to the nub of it.

What makes this articulate reply to the court so effective, in addition to the declared truth within it, is how it is written to both Judge Emmet Sullivan and the public.  This is a motion deserving of a read by anyone who has followed the travesty of the Flynn inquisition in detail or in summary. Do not cheat yourself out of the enjoyment; read it.

The response to the prosecution argument cuts through the chaff and countermeasures and identifies the ridiculous and necessary schemes played by the prosecution, starting with their preposterous position that Flynn’s plea did not require the government to provide exculpatory, Brady, evidence.  Read MORE

6 Comments on Flynn Defense Submits Outstanding Sur-Surreply to Counter Prosecution

  1. Thank goodness that Judge Sullivan is not one of the apparently too common obama/Clinton/Carter judges – those “chimeras” that CJ Roberts lied to us about. Were he, Gen. Flynn and Sydney Powell probably would not have had a prayer, no matter the quality of her work or the truth of the matter. And, Yes, Judge Sullivan was a clinton appointee.

  2. I read it but it’s still too technical for me. I’d just say “The government lied and threatened an innocent man and they should be put agains’t the wall and shot.”

  3. What should terrify every American is the fact that even a man with connections they can do this to. Imagine what they can do to a regular Joe with no connections and no money.
    In a nutshell they knew they didn’t have the goods on him, they knew he had attorneys in their pocket who advised him how to fill out the paperwork, then told him well we were wrong so you’d best plead guilty. Then the government tells him if you don’t we will lock you and your son away for a long time, how do you feel about that new grandbaby growing up without a Dad?

    I’ve been saying since Trump was elected and they started trying to impeach him that we don’t live in a Banana Republic, I think I’m wrong, that is what we have become.

  4. I read Powell’s sur-surreply last night and was greatly impressed and enthused. Comic book fight words popped into my head: BIFF! POW! WHAM!

    It’s great that Powell is holding off on her inevitable motion to dismiss until she and Gen. Flynn get the exonerating Brady materials. I’m very much looking forward to seeing what she and the judge can pry loose for the despicable DOJ shysters’ seditious hands.

  5. She is getting too close to publicly shaming the deep state and hurting the connected elites that did this to him.

    The lawyer is going to be Arkensided very soon and Flynn will be Epstiened…. then the whole mess will be flushed down the memory hole by the MSM and the deep state will continue to roll along… untouchable as always.


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