Flynn Filing: Trump Campaign Discussed Contacting WikiLeaks Only After Podesta Emails Dropped – IOTW Report

Flynn Filing: Trump Campaign Discussed Contacting WikiLeaks Only After Podesta Emails Dropped


A new court filing shows that Trump campaign officials considered reaching out to WikiLeaks only after the website published emails from Hillary Clinton campaign chairman John Podesta, not before.

According to the filing, former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn told investigators that it was only after the email dump on October 7, 2016, that Trump campaign officials discussed reaching out to WikiLeaks.

Democrats have accused the Trump campaign of working with Russia and WikiLeaks to release the Podesta emails on the same day as the release of the Hollywood Access video that was embarrassing to then candidate Donald Trump.

Flynn’s remarks, however, counter that narrative.

According to the filing, Flynn “recalled conversations with senior campaign officials after the release of the Podesta emails, during which the prospect of reaching out to WikiLeaks was discussed.”

Journalist Aaron Maté noted the revelation, adding in a followup tweet, “If there are any Trump-Russia conspiracy theorists left at this point, I don’t think they realize how much info has been withheld that only further discredits their discredited conspiracy theory.”  more here

3 Comments on Flynn Filing: Trump Campaign Discussed Contacting WikiLeaks Only After Podesta Emails Dropped

  1. Wait…what?

    “Trump’s favorite fake news network has issued a correction to a Friday morning “exclusive” claiming that Donald Trump Jr. and other campaign staff received a directive from Wikileaks to download a trove of emails stolen from the DNC before those emails were made public. CNN initially claimed the Wikileaks email was dated Sept. 4 – ten days before the watchdog publicly released its filings.”

    Is this the same story, or does the Deep State try the same stupid shit over and over again?


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