Flynn judge Emmet Sullivan set to explain why he has not dismissed case – IOTW Report

Flynn judge Emmet Sullivan set to explain why he has not dismissed case

FOX: Oral arguments are set to take place this week, when U.S. District Court Judge Emmet Sullivan will have to explain why he has not signed off on the Justice Department’s motion to dismiss its case against former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn.

The hearing marks another extraordinary turn in an extraordinary — and seemingly interminable — case that has brought pressure upon both the Justice Department and the judge overseeing it. After calling into question the DOJ’s choice to drop Flynn’s prosecution, Sullivan is now in the position of defending his own decision.

“It is unusual for a criminal defendant to claim innocence and move to withdraw his guilty plea after repeatedly swearing under oath that he committed the crime,” Sullivan argued in a court filing, referring to Flynn’s past guilty plea of lying to investigators. “It is unprecedented for an Acting U.S. Attorney to contradict the solemn representations that career prosecutors made time and again, and undermine the district court’s legal and factual findings, in moving on his own to dismiss the charge years after two different federal judges accepted the defendant’s plea.”

The D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals got involved in the matter when Flynn requested what’s known as a writ of mandamus — in this case, an order from a higher court to a lower court or official to fulfill their duties — to force Sullivan to toss the case. more

30 Comments on Flynn judge Emmet Sullivan set to explain why he has not dismissed case

  1. blahblahblah said the wacked out, NeverTrump judge.

    The DOJ has dropped the charges. But this asshat can’t move on. Obama’s hatred of Flynn won’t let this sycophant proceed with justice for the man.

    I’d like to see what Sullivan would do after the DOJ bankrupted him with false charges and then moved on to threatening his son with prison.

    Fucking jerk.

  2. The angry moron will bury his entire career just for a pat on the head from the noisy extremists.
    His arrogance has fogged the questionable judgement he’s likely had all along and his warped views has left him thinking the laws apply to him only if he chooses.

  3. Sullivan is a political hack masquerading as a judge.


    Our country helped the commies beat the nazis in ww2 and the result was commies murdering ten times more people than the nazis did in the twentieth century. Anyone can look it those numbers.

    If we help the commiefag blmantifa fight the “nazi” racists, the result will be that the people of this country will suffer ten times more than they ever would have from the ‘nazi racists’.
    But that’s not going to stop our elected republican reps from doing just that.

  4. Lies, More Lies, and Arrogant Lying Bullshit.

    He’s a fucking “judge” – he couldn’t speak a fact if his life depended on it.

    Why isn’t he out sucking and slobbering on George Floyd’s dead ass?
    (Sharpton could also (probably) use a blowjob)

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. “Sullivan is a political hack masquerading as a judge.”

    I think that is a common situation among our higher ranking judges.

    Shouldn’t be, but it is.

  6. Waiting for a Democrat President then he can bury Flynn under the prison…simple, just needs to delay for the chance to incarcerate the man….there are no words to describe how vile this dirtbag Sullivan is in plotting torture of an American. The Left defends the corruption of Justice, that is what social justice is all about…Sullivan’s actions should already be grounds for his own imprisonment.

  7. This article was EXTREMELY kind to Sullivan. Quoted Sullivan’s argument to the circuit court, but not Flynn’s. Just shows you how far left Fox News has moved over the last 4 years.

    Oh look: the article was written by a Ron BLITZER. I wonder…

  8. CC
    JUNE 9, 2020 AT 8:18 AM

    “How does someone without honor sit in judgement of others?”

    …He’s a Democrat. That’s what they ALL do. “Someone without honor sitting in judgement of others” could be the first line of the JOB description for them, who they ARE, and what they DO, all in that single sentence you gave us…

  9. Is he going to tell us that he put Flynn on “double secret probation” and so the Constitution does not apply?

    Remember, ultimately, God sits in judgement over us all. This POS judge will burn eternally.

  10. What a lying sack of shit Sullivan is. He knows damn well innocent people get boxed into pleading guilty to things they didn’t do all the time, especially when dealing with the FBI.

    For the love of God, stop putting affirmative action case psychopaths on the federal bench!

  11. Flynn is under a gag order which is the reason that Sullivan doesn’t want to drop the case. Flynn’s got all the dirt on Obama and Sullivan is attempting to protect Obama.

  12. What is unusual is that a Federal Judge would allow blatant prosecutorial misconduct against Flynn to continue unabated for so long without ever acknowledging or even mentioning it.

    However, it is not unprecedented because this very same Judge Sullivan allowed the same thing to happen in the Sen Stevens case.

  13. Some white guy wandered through his mama’s yard.
    Now (like Obola) he hate everything that’s got to do with white.
    Civilization is white – so civilization gots to be destroyed.
    Law be white – so law gots a be destroyed.

    High-Yellah, Affirmative-Action, Totalitarian Piece of Shit.

    izlamo delenda est …

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