Flynn Knows Too Damn Much – IOTW Report

Flynn Knows Too Damn Much

Ep. 1250 This Is Just The Beginning of the Spying Scandal – The Dan Bongino Show®

12 Comments on Flynn Knows Too Damn Much

  1. Flynn’s intelligence background gave his access to carefully guarded secrets, information that could destroy many if exposed to the light of day.
    Specifically he knows about Obama with his murky background and Saudi financed education, his tranny lover and more. He also knows the names of those who were instrumental in perpetrating this fraud on the american people.
    What has them so worried is that he has the means to prove it all.

  2. among many other things-
    Flynn didn’t like what soetoro was doing with iran
    jarrett didn’t like that

    valerie jarrett is an iranian anchor baby

  3. The Chief Legal Council of the FBI James Baker flipped years ago. Think about that and why the Durham investigation just keeps expanding into new directions of malfeasance.

    The magnitude and scope of corruption of the Jug Eared Jesus will rip the top of the iceberg that is the cabal and reveal over a hundred years of a world wide effort that has successfully controlled our world governments since the late 1800’s.

    The Magic Half Negros hubris and stupidity to create and run a shadow presidency in parallel with the legitimate government of PDJT will be their undoing.

    When the truth of the depravity of both parties is exposed it will shake this nation to its core.

  4. Cisco,

    “When the truth of the depravity of both parties is exposed it will shake this nation to its core.”

    IF it gets FULLY exposed.

    But with the likes of Lindsey Graham around…

  5. @gin blossom May 15, 2020 at 6:17 am

    > What has them so worried is that he has the means to prove it all.

    Which is why I am not concerned. In the least. He signed up. Swore his honor and loyalty to The Party. When The Party promised him eternal sweet, sweet gibs. From the American people. Whether Americans agreed, or not.

    Then The Party burned him. Meh.

    If Guido gets burned by The Family, I might be interested in what Guido has to reveal. Guido’s holdin’ cards to his chest? Trying to negotiate the sweetest of sweet, sweet gibs? Run a crawl on CNN. When he shows his cards, or The Family takes care of him. Both the same to me.

  6. @Jerry Manderin May 15, 2020 at 8:36 am

    > Whatever Flynn knows PRESIDENT Trump knows.

    Indeed! And four years later, here we are. Which tells you… what?

  7. @grool May 15, 2020 at 7:09 am

    > “When the truth of the depravity of both parties is exposed it will shake this nation to its core.”
    > IF it gets FULLY exposed.
    > But with the likes of Lindsey Graham around…

    Because with a Billionaire Prince of The Party, in charge, large and in charge, The Party trembles with fear.

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