FOIA Release of McCabe Memo Highlights Much More Than Rosenstein’s “Wear a Wire” Controversy – IOTW Report

FOIA Release of McCabe Memo Highlights Much More Than Rosenstein’s “Wear a Wire” Controversy


A Judicial Watch FOIA Lawsuit has resulted in the release of a May 16, 2017, memo written by then Acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe.  [Link Here]  The media is currently focusing on the aspect where Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein is outlined as willing to wear a wire into the Oval Office to record the President; however, the memo content actually reveals much more.

There are three aspects to this McCabe memo that warrant attention: (1) Rosenstein’s willingness to wear a wire. (2) Evidence that Rosenstein took Mueller into the White House on May 16, 2017, as a set-up to interview Mueller’s pending target; and (3) the CURRENT redactions to the memo indicate CURRENT efforts by the CURRENT AG Bill Barr to protect a corrupt endeavor that encompasses Rod Rosenstein.  While all three aspects are alarming; the last aspect is concerning in the extreme. read more

19 Comments on FOIA Release of McCabe Memo Highlights Much More Than Rosenstein’s “Wear a Wire” Controversy

  1. A Cooper, I have felt the same way. But Judicial Watch can compile an entire case against the swamp but if it is only the swamp that is in position to prosecute, nothing will happen. It looks like that is where we are. Fitton has done a great job, but if there isn’t any follow up it’s just an exercise in futility.

  2. Trump wants the unredacted transcript of the Ukraine phone call released tomorrow. When the Intel community wants to redact everything but Hello and Goodbye, don’t expect Barr to put up a fight. Or Wray, for that matter.

  3. Tell me again just what the DOJ does, oh yea its the SDOJ that’s selective dept of justice, it never seeks just for anyone related to Democrats. This story is a waste of time. The DOJ and FBI needs to be erased and new agencies setup and staffed with unrelated law enforcement persons and administration heads. BS with these fakes.

  4. “The DOJ and FBI needs to be erased and new agencies setup…” -Perry

    Congress will never do that. But an Article V. Convention Of The States COULD.

    If those agencies are now beyond resurrection as honest institutions of jurisprudence, then I submit we need an Article V. Convention Of The States NOW.

    It’s about to get ugly. REAL UGLY.

  5. It appears the only degree Tom Fitton has is in English. I also found that the AG does have to be a lawyer. Dammit! I guess what you learn by getting a law degree is how to turn justice and the rule of law upside down. I knew they are all bastards!

  6. Why else would all this time be going by and nobody indicted? If you or I did any of this you can bet we’d be dragged in the system before we needed a change of clothes.
    It’s dragging on because they’re trying to find ways to smooth over the crimes and let the scum draw their fat retirements.
    Trump is the only one who can do anything about it and they just might be holding something over the head of one of his family members.


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