Following exposé, major children’s hospital denies it performs LGBT hysterectomies on young patients – IOTW Report

Following exposé, major children’s hospital denies it performs LGBT hysterectomies on young patients


A major children’s hospital this week pushed back against claims that it will perform hysterectomies on female patients younger than 16 years old after shocking audio—and documentation from the hospital itself—appeared to suggest as much. 

Children’s National Hospital, in Washington, D.C., was put in the center of controversy on Thursday after Chaya Raichik, known for the conservative Internet brand “Libs of Tik Tok,” posted audio of an exchange she said was with an administrator of the medical facility. 

Posing as a parent seeking a hysterectomy for her transgender-identifying child, Raichik spoke to two different hospital administrators who indicated that they would perform such a procedure on a 16-year-old child; one of the workers suggested that the hospital has done surgeries on children even younger than that. 


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