Food Apartheid??? – IOTW Report

Food Apartheid???

Patriot Retort-

The other day, Squad member Ayanna Pressley (or Persis Khambatta as I call her) appeared on MSNBC to claim COVID-19 was racist.  And in so doing unleashed an absurd word salad about the “comorbidities of structural racism” including “transportation deserts” and “food apartheid.”

Food apartheid.

Yeah. She actually said that … on purpose.

Don’t get me wrong; transportation deserts is an equally idiotic term. But food apartheid?

16 Comments on Food Apartheid???

  1. …Persis Khambatta was hot, and only got her head shaved because Gene Roddenberry wanted the Iller character to be SO sexy they had to shave her head to keep guys from killing themselves over her. She was still pretty fine even bald, if you remember when she came back as the embodiment of V’ger, who knew nothing about humans but dressed her up in a minidress and stilletos for old, fat Kirk anyway…

    …she was a pretty lady and its a shame she died young.

    …Not the same as the retard in the article. Can’t get into that because its too stupid, other than to note if “Food Apartheid” is a new name for Kroger, then I SURE spent a long time in the checkout line at Food Apartheid last night while the Black folk in front of me were getting some REALLY nice steaks that I could see on top of their grocery carts full of food while I waited patiently for all the usual “Black People Problems” to be resolved between the Black checkout girl with the latest weaves and fake nails as long as her fingers and the large lady with the fine Kroger wine to complement her steaks wanting to get it 2 for 1, so I could buy my frigging tube of cheap soda so I’d have enough caffeine in me the next day to work the 15 hours in 2 jobs it takes for me to refuel her EBT card for her, after which I’d go home to my leftovers and potato chips that all this White Privilege scored for me…

  2. The term ‘food desert’ has been around for a while. It refers to populated areas where there is so much crime that grocery stores won’t put an outlet there. Pressly goes rather overboard – which is nothing out of the ordinary for her.
    Of course the obvious solution to ‘food deserts’ is to take steps to reduce crime. But nah.

  3. Worked for Stop & Shop for many years, the last two in our state capital, Hartford, or as the locals say, Harfa. It was the only chain store in the city and for good reason. Theft was thru the roof.
    Powdered baby formula had to be locked up so the drug dealers wouldn’t steal it to cut their product. I would find needles and dirty diapers on the shelves at times.
    We had 30 feet of shelving 5 high filled with gallon jugs of fruit punch. It would wipe out just about every day as did the special 3-pack of Corn Pops, Fruit Loops and Frosted Flakes. And yes, you can by lobster with food stamps. We epitomized an inverted food pyramid if ever there was one. Good times, good times.

    Oh, and that flake from the North of us is a moron.

  4. Once the people who actually support the store by paying for merch. get fed up with the “People of Walmart” types and go elsewhere, how can the store make a profit?
    A concept which seems to escape most leftists.
    But of course, word on the streets is “Albertson’s be racisss!”

  5. Dammit, my plot to foist food apartheid on the US has been uncovered. I will be forced to rely on hi-def musical obesity as my fall back position.

  6. She’s complaining about black people being fat because of a lack of food choices and transportation. I would tend to think that less food and more walking would reduce obesity.

  7. Food desert. Get Pelosi to invest her own money along with AOC in grocery stores in these hoods. Lets see if anyone actually wants to buy Yucca AOC and if Pelosi feels that shoplifters stealing her profits should not be prosecuted.


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