Food Processing Machines – IOTW Report

Food Processing Machines


Amazing food processing machines that are at another level – most satisfying.

1. Egg Breaker –

2. Vegetable Peeling Machine –

3. Mushroom Harvesting Machine –,

4. Enrobing and finishing machine –

5. Apple peeling machine –

6. Sausage Making Machine –

7. Donut system –

8. Automated Cake Icing Equipment –

9. Chocolate enrobing machine –

10. Stuffed Pasta Machine – 11. High-speed slicer –

20 Comments on Food Processing Machines

  1. As a local baker, I am obsolete. My last job baking things from scratch and I mean EVERYTHING…including the bacon and cheese, is still there, but real bakers in grocery stores. Gone. Sigh.

  2. Jewel- Luckily, there are individual bakeries and delis here where I am. Not every town has them, though. It sucks. I prefer handmade and would pay a little extra for it.

  3. Loved it, but I wonder how the gal with the long hair picking through the mushrooms got away without wearing a hairnet? Ditto for the donut guy and no gloves.

  4. Not so impressed by the cake decorating robot.
    But that second eggshell separator where the person just pours eggs in and instantly the shells spew out to the right and scrambled eggs come out the bottom was jaw dropping.
    But we stay with our local delis and bakeries here in central NJ.

  5. I didn’t see any homosexual wedding cakes going down the line. American Society of Mechanical Engineers court ordered to build a homosexual wedding cake making machine 3..2..1..

  6. I cure my own bacon, I buy a half a cow at a time. I grow as much of my own vegetables as I can. I avoid the grocery store as much as possible. After seeing this I may never go back.

  7. ^^^^AOC wants to know how did you get sick bacon? are u a bacon dr.?^^^^

    … &, how does that cow get around on just 2 legs? do you come back later for the other half? is there a big half-cow ranch?

  8. In most large supermarkets, cakes come iced and filled. Most come completely decorated. In exchange for good prices, you get a limited quantity and quality of decorations. And spies will come and see if you have your copyright laws posted. Yeah. There is a thought police, Virginia.
    Most decorations are printed out on edible sugar paper. So you can actually eat Deanna Troi, but in all likelihood, she won’t be a cellular peptide cake with mint frosting. Sorry. You will be violating Paramount’s Prime Directive if you make an edible Deanna Troi cake, with or without mint frosting.

  9. To provide nice food for hundreds of millions of people, many of modest means, you need either efficient production or a cheap-labor underclass. I prefer the machines.

    As one who tinkers with both cake decorating and 3D printers, I look at these machines and imagine just how much cooler they could be.


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