‘Foot Long’ lawsuit comes up short – IOTW Report

‘Foot Long’ lawsuit comes up short

American Thinker: I love it!  Class action lawyers have long shaken down big companies for ridiculous infractions and obtained settlements giving them millions, and pennies (or even discount coupons for future purchases) for the individual members of the classes they purportedly represent.  They are members of the powerful tort bar lobby that generates huge political donations as protection money, so this legalized extortion process has continued.

Perhaps the tide is turning?

In an underreported decision handed down Friday, via Reuters:

A U.S. appeals court on Friday threw out a class-action settlement intended to resolve claims that the Subway sandwich chain deceived customers by selling “Footlong” subs that were less than a foot long.

The 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago called the settlement “utterly worthless,” and said the customers’ lawyers were not entitled to attorney’s fees for convincing Subway it was better to make the case go away than fight.  more

21 Comments on ‘Foot Long’ lawsuit comes up short

  1. The sad part is you need to pay lawyers to battle lawyers for shit like this!
    This is exactly why we need a Loser Pays law, but we all know that getting a lawyer to pass a law that limits his business is the LAST thing they’ll ever do!

  2. Two things that would have slashed health care costs in the US before Obamacare was forced on the country would have been to allow insurance companies to do business across state lines without having to have a physical presence and tort reform which would limit the awards and add rules about when someone could sue and when a class action could be launched. I think these two would have had the least implemntation time and the most immediate, visible and financial impact. The tort reform would also cary over into the other sectors of the economy. Of course that would have taken determination and courage on behalf of the lawmakers and that is in short supply at the best of times.

  3. The Law is an Ass, and Lawyers are toilet seats; but the Law has a place. It’s the lawyers who turned Law into big business because they forget the Law is about justice, and mercy. The thief was to be punished and the innocent rewarded but there are no protections for innocent people let alone reward. If you’re in the system everyone thinks it is because you are (somehow) guilty.

  4. 5% of the Earth’s population and 95% of the lawyers.
    The pickings are just too good.
    We’ve had this explosion of worthless, stupid, costly lawsuits in the last 50 years or so, to employ the, otherwise, unemployable. These people (lawyers) really should be utilized as crash-test dummies and targets for mortars.

    They are actually worse than useless, as they add hidden costs to everything – EVERYTHING – merely to keep them from starving. We would do well to be rid of them – they are a pestilence.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. No, Rat Fink, it’s not lawyers fighting lawyers…this falls under the heading of FRIVOLOUS LAWSUITS…which clog our system, time and money-wise. This result is the “good news” where the FRIVOLOUS COMPLAINER is made to be the LOSER…and rightly so.

  6. I think part of tort reform should include an independent panel that reviews these types of cases. If a lawyer or law firm is found guilty of a predetermined amount of “frivolous” lawsuits, that lawyer or law firm loses their license.

  7. Czar – The point is they are not fighting a real issue. It’s a money grab base on a fabrication and if they attack your company you need your lawyers to fight their lawyers. To them it’s just good business, but to everyone else it is a frivolous lawsuit! I think we’re saying the same thing.

  8. @The Rat Fink August 28, 2017 at 12:22 pm

    The problem with “loser pays” – besides all the tears shed by lawyers about that, THAT, denying the courts to the poor – is that the fundamental extortion racket remains unchanged.

  9. Picayune bastards, who the hell measures their food to the fraction. You watched ’em make the 5 dollar “foot long” sammich to your liking, pay the cashier and move along.

  10. I spent a “lost year” after college in law school…in Torts class, the professor was constantly telling us about how we use the law to “make society a better place.” One day, we got handouts on the lawsuits that cities were attempting against gun manufacturers (this was 1999-2000). I didn’t speak much in class, but that day I told the professor and the class that I wished we wouldn’t waste valuable class time on frivolous lawsuits that would never withstand 2nd Amendment scrutiny. She was speechless; I gained several friends among my classmates that day LOL

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