Footage From at Least One Camera Outside Epstein’s Cell ‘Unusable’ – IOTW Report

Footage From at Least One Camera Outside Epstein’s Cell ‘Unusable’


Oh the irony! Conveniently at least one camera located in the hallway outside of sex offender Epstein’s cell “had footage that is unusable.” In addition, there was “clearer” footage from other cameras in the area “according to three people briefed on the evidence gathered earlier this month.”

According to the SFGate:

It was not immediately clear why some video footage outside Epstein’s cell is too flawed for investigators to use or what is visible in the other, usable footage. The incident is being investigated by the FBI and the Justice Department’s inspector general’s office, which are attempting to determine what happened and how to assess whether any policies were violated or crimes committed.

24 Comments on Footage From at Least One Camera Outside Epstein’s Cell ‘Unusable’

  1. The FBI and DOJ are investigating? Well that settles it, we’ll never know.

    By the way FBI&DOJ, thanks for clearing up all the questions we had about the Vegas shootings, I know you’ll do the same here.

  2. I’ve heard that things like an accidental overspray from spray paint while painting something, or even a camera just coming loose and pointing itself the wrong way, can sometimes make video footage unusable.

    Those things happen all the time.

  3. Having spent a 30-year career in the state bureaucracy, I learned a long time ago that if the choice is between a well-orchestrated conspiracy involving several people and sheer incompetence/neglect, my money is on the latter every time. Occam’s razor is a thing because 9 times out of 10 it proves valid. Jailers sleep on the job, state workers goof off (hence the idiom of a state road crew consisting of one guy with a shovel and 4 supervisors watching him lean on it while napping) and cameras are routinely not turned on or maintained, our tax dollars at work.

  4. Although I agree with a lot of what Rich says…Most of that goes out

    the window on a High Priority Case…This Guy was a Billionaire..

    which comes with it’s own set of Rules regardless of the Crime…

    High Jingo indeed.

  5. @Rich Taylor,
    I have witnessed many instances of incompetence in my 36 years of FedGov employment – but not ONE regarding security (now, this was in the House of Representatives, so it might be different) unless it was a case of a Member needing cover (Hastings was taken down by the FBI and the Capitol Police had little choice).

    Whether or not they release the footage is a different matter – it’s always easier to destroy evidence and lie about it than to explain it away.

    There is much dirty-dick doings at the best of times and it blossomed under Obola. This particular case had too many ramifications for too many well-connected people to be an accident or laziness or incompetence.

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. @Tim,

    I’ve worked with many county jails (not state prisons) over the years, by and large their security is atrocious. First, you have to factor in that jails are populated by either deputy screw-ups (those that can’t hack the street and were demoted to jail duty) or new hires who have to put in their “jail” time before they can work the street (real police work). Nobody, except for say the anti-social oddball, wants to be in the jail, it is like purgatory for anyone with ambition.

    County jails are routinely understaffed, with mandatory overtime (The jailers watching Epstein were doing double shifts). I have seen insufficient searches missing weapons and drugs, unqualified medical personal giving out the wrong medications, and prisoners left unattended for hours at a time.

    Could this, in fact, involve a well-orchestrated conspiracy involving jailers, supervisors, medical personnel, the local coroner’s office, state officials as well as the FBI, all working in tandem from the same script with no one spilling their guts? Sure, I guess anything is possible.

    I get that he was high profile and knows where most of the bodies are buried, but I never underestimate the power of sheer incompetence and neglect when any governmental agency is involved.

  7. Ever wonder why we never see the videos of mass shootings and high profile people being killed when we know how many cameras are everywhere, more so in government buildings?
    Whoever came in had to pass by a lot of cameras. Come on they can’t all be spray painted?

  8. Ummmmm, like… ah… I don’t mean to make sense or anything, but wouldn’t it make sense to make EXTRA SURE the cameras were working properly if they were really, actually, honestly trying to keep Epstein alive???

  9. Globalist elites are using this event as more psyops against us. In effect they are saying “We killed Epstein, everyone knows we killed Epstein, and you can’t do a thing about it because we OWN everyone who can do anything about it.”

  10. This whole story stinks on ice.

    NOTE: Having said this, let me hasten to add that I do not now, nor did I ever have, any information that could possibly be used against Bill and Hillary Clinton, nor do I know anyone who could be in possession of same. Furthermore, I have no knowledge of any past, present, or future illegal acts committed by them.


  11. No surprise, just like the 200+ cams that surrounded the Pentagon on 9/11.
    And all we got was grainy parking lot entrance booth edited version.
    Sorry, know this seems to be off topic. Certainly there is nothing to see now, just like back then.

  12. Vietvet – Hang on to that disclaimer buddy. Until they’re well in the history books you never know when you might need it!
    (let’s face it, Chels ain’t smart enough to be an operator, so worry there)

  13. The sad part is;
    We the people ‘no longer’ have control of our own government.

    It slipped away, like a loogie down your throat in the middle of the night.

    Way too many people are much too nonchalant about the threats that we face each and every day and have given up on truth, justice and the American way.

    Because that’s the easy way out.


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