For Dems, holding SCOTUS matters more than the Midterms – IOTW Report

For Dems, holding SCOTUS matters more than the Midterms

Patriot Retort: It isn’t difficult to understand why the Democrats went all-in on this Kavanaugh smear so close the Midterm elections.

They had to.

Brett Kavanaugh’s confirmation will give the SCOTUS an originalist majority for the first time in decades.

And SCOTUS matters more to the Democrats than even winning elections.

Because, let’s face it, the Left has never relied on elections to move the ball forward.

As Rush Limbaugh pointed out yesterday, probably eighty percent of the Left’s agenda in the last fifty years has been forced on the American people through the Supreme Court.

They are unable to get what they want through the legislative process.

As a result they are wholly dependent upon SCOTUS imposing their agenda on the American people through judicial fiat.  read more

15 Comments on For Dems, holding SCOTUS matters more than the Midterms

  1. It’s still not over. You figure they will try getting an Obama or Clinton judge to block the vote up until the final minute. I don’t know if Trump or the DOJ can do it, but someone needs to extend Secret Service protection to 49 Republican Senators and one Democrat.

    Let us see if Robert Reich and tries to block the road ways and highways by the residents of GOP law makers. You never know if they might have plans to Astroturf 50,000 paid protesters out of nowhere to chain themselves up throughout the Capitol district. Truly, my fear is that they are crazy enough to try and kill a few GOPers as they make their way to vote. They should ban anyone who doesn’t need to be in the building, including the press. L

  2. Nothing is over until the vote. I would not put anything past them at this point.

    They only have to prevent 1-2 people from showing up. Vandalize their cars. Call in a bomb threat. Assault someone. Assault someone’s family member to pull them away.

    When you recognize these evil beings for what they are, you have to consider the lengths they will go to enact their agenda. This whole weeklong FBI distraction was to allow them to mobilize their rent-a-mobs and threaten Senators.

    It is not over until the vote. And even then, they should keep security on the Kavanaughs.

  3. Once he’s confirmed, I’m SOOOO tempted to go around the Lefty parts of town, singing
    “All we are saaaaayingg, is give Kav a chance…”

    (Well, maybe singing and then running like hell) 🙂

  4. Such idiots. Trump nominated Kavanaugh because he’s a moderate and a Bush cabal- / GOPe- loved Republican that would get the support of even the Never-Trumpers.

    A very nice, gentle and smart man, but not close to a hard-core conservative. The best the left could get.

    And now they’ve shot their false allegations MOAB, upping the same tired old playbook tricks to the nth degree. (Roy Moore, Trump, etc.) They can’t credibly use it again. (And I hope we see some investigations and prosecutions.)

  5. I truly prey that for once common sense prevails over the childish smearing accusations that always come from the same party factually guilty of them that has kept getting away with it for decades. The democratic party has never been held accountable, NEVER! The low-life scum bags named Clinton, all 3 of them, have only knelt down to Soros and shat all over the United States. These Mid-Terms must be taken! More than the constant smoke and mirrors of lack of opioid, gun control, illegal immigration enforcement, it’s time to kick the bully’s ass. Democrats have demonstrated and defined the true issue our country is facing, Mental Illness and delusion. They don’t want to grow up, while Toy’s R’ Us no longer exists.

  6. “They didn’t just enrage Senate Republicans; they’ve enraged voters.

    So desperate are they to keep hold of SCOTUS, the Democrats ripped off their mask and revealed to the American people just how craven, disgusting, vicious and anti-American they really are.

    And despite Brian Fallon’s wishful thinking, the blowback from this gamble is going to be brutal.”

    We can only hope! A good read and also GOOD comments.

    Again, click my alias…

  7. As a result they are wholly dependent upon SCOTUS imposing their agenda on the American people through judicial fiat.

    Assisted by canine rape culture?

    I actually felt a dozen-and-a-half brain cells die, just reading that quote, the first time. (The cut-and-paste killed another seven.) The Party is wholly dependent on the force of arms to impose their agenda on the American people. If you need to know who calls you enemy, just look at who’s waving your guns, in your face.

  8. It’s almost funny, for many conservatives he was their third choice of the top 3 and many were not real pleased with the pick and wanted Trump to nominate a staunch conservative and force the establishment to show their true colors.
    Thanks to democrats they have gotten conservatives and RINO voters fired up and now even those who said they will never vote for establishment again have changed their mind and will one last time vote for establishment just to keep both houses. Many voters that would have stayed home in November will be out voting now.

  9. The demorat filth are petrified for one reason only. The court cases that will be coming in front of the Court in the months ahead that will have to do with Trump decimating the Deep State through the release of documents re: FISA Warrant Applications and Uranium One, Deportation ad Immigration and the host of other crimes Odinga, Clinton, Brennan, Comey, Mcabe, Schiff, Schumer, et. al. have committed. They will be claiming executive privilege and National Security to try and block him. They were safe with a 4-4 stalemate that would hold in place the 9th Circut commies. They had a safe bet before with the old court but that is evaporating in front of their eyes. They will no longer hold the blackmail card over the court and Roberts will be bullied into siding with the law as opposed to threats. Its just the architecture Trump is putting in place to take them down. Remember, Trump is a builder, he works off blueprints, he is laying the foundation for a Court that can be trusted and the filthy Rats are apoplectic about what the future holds.

  10. Judiciary appointments were the best (and sufficient) reason to vote for Trump, and they’re the biggest reason the left is hellbent on getting rid of him by any available means. They’re only getting started. There are no depths to which they will not descend. Don’t be surprised at anything they do.

  11. I just hope Mr. Kavanaugh has a copy of our Constitution and the ability to read and understand it.

    Lawyers, as a species, are sleazy, snake-like, and unreliable.
    Judges are politically-connected Lawyers.
    Sleaze-bag shitwads like Kagan, Sotomayor, and Ginsberg are reliably anti-American, anti-Constitutional, and predictable while the others only seem remotely aware (excluding Alito, Thomas, and Gorsuch).

    How Kavanaugh will fare after all this is anyone’s guess – some “grow” in office and take on the characteristics of their oppressors (Stockholm Syndrome) while others remain true to their “beliefs.”

    We (America) have witnessed this grotesquerie of character assassination and unfounded allegations too many times to continue to fall for it. Some sort of penalty must be applied to those who finance and promote this sort of filth, or we will experience more of it. Either that, or the Republicans should take a hint and resort to the same methods when the shoe is on the other foot.

    izlamo delenda est …

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