For The First Time In 7 Years, Coast Guard Picks Up Zero Cuban Migrants – IOTW Report

For The First Time In 7 Years, Coast Guard Picks Up Zero Cuban Migrants

Howie Carr:  

For the first time in seven years, the Coast Guard did not intercept a single Cuban migrant in April trying to enter the United States.

Normally around this time of year, the Coast Guard would pick up anywhere from 50 to 150 Cubans attempting the journey at sea, but now that figure has dropped to zero, which matches a similar drop in migrants crossing into the United States through the southwestern border, the Associated Press reports.


8 Comments on For The First Time In 7 Years, Coast Guard Picks Up Zero Cuban Migrants

  1. “Trump vehemently criticized the wet-foot, dry-foot policy as unfair last February.”

    Yeah, because freedom-loving Cubans are *just as bad* for America as the parasitic Mexicans and other South American scum illegally crossing our border. (/s)

    Trump f*cked up BIG LEAGUE on this one.

  2. @Czar of Defenestration May 14, 2017 at 5:55 pm

    “Freedom-loving Cubans” are worse for America than “parasitic Mexicans and other South American scum.” As are democracy loving Syrians, genocide targeted Yazidis, and entrepreneurial Australians.

    Oh, look! No (/s).

  3. Pissed that so many Cubans risk their lives to escape communism and come to America for all our freedoms. Then what do they vote for? You guessed it. Dumb shits vote for communists, er, democrats. Send their dumb asses back. No different than Californians bailing, only to move to another state and again, vote for communists.

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