“For those of you asking for the identity of the anonymous coward…” Call the NY Times – IOTW Report

“For those of you asking for the identity of the anonymous coward…” Call the NY Times

DC- White House press secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted out the phone number for the New York Times opinion desk Thursday, and according to CNN’s Brian Stelter, the newspaper’s phone lines have been blowing up.

Sanders asked followers to demand the Times reveal the identity of an anonymous senior administration official who wrote an op-ed claiming to be resisting Trump from within.

“The Times obviously 24 hours ago at this point published it, and yeah, it’s still the talk of the country. We’ve got the press secretary Sarah Sanders telling people to call the New York Times, complain to the New York Times, call up the opinion section,” Stelter stated. “In response, the Times confirms it is receiving a large number of calls.”  read more


15 Comments on “For those of you asking for the identity of the anonymous coward…” Call the NY Times

  1. Resistance is futile, you will be stuffed back into the hole you came out of.
    which is the back hole of course.
    because it’s a know fact that, this is where all NYT op-eds emanate from.

  2. It was some staff idiot at NYT or some DEM operative that put that together. Almost 0% chance that that piece was written by someone who works in the white house.

    The writing style alone is enough to disqualify it from what it purports to be.

  3. America Bob, I agree. However, if by some chance it came from someone associated with “The White House”, I can almost guarantee it was an apparatchik from the Office of Administration, which is essentially the White House HR department. Nothing good ever comes from HR.

  4. If you’re desperately fighting the label “FAKE NEWS” you do it by continually publishing outlandish fables and attribute them to “Nemo”.


    Next, CNN should broadcast a moose silhouette talking crap with the voice ‘disguised’ to sound like Rocky the Flying Squirrel. Convincing and damning. lol !

  5. If anyone calls, be sure to use your best soy voice and pretend you’re liberal. If you can talk like Randall the honey badger narrator, even better. They seem to react better to people with a lisp.

    Oh, that’sss jussst nasssty!

  6. The anonymous coward has performed a great public service by resolving once and for all the question of whether the swamp is trying to nullify the elected government. If you like government of and by the people you can keep it. How much do you like it?

  7. It makes as much sense to write an op-ed for the NYT announcing a huge resistence movement inside the administration as it does for Trump to be in the pocket of the Russians and for proof the left gives us a document supposedly prepared by the Russians for the Hillary campaign to use to defeat Donald Trump.

    Someone conducting a resistence inside the administration wouldn’t go to the NYT with the story unless they wanted to destroy their resistence inside the administration.

    So the only thing that makes sense is their is no such person.

    It’s just all crazy from the left all the time.


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