For unto us a Child is born – IOTW Report

For unto us a Child is born


For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, the Mighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace. (Isaiah 9:6)

9 Comments on For unto us a Child is born

  1. Sweet Baby Jesus
    King of Kings
    Oh how we glorify your name
    The world would never be the same
    As the Star of Bethlehem rose on that night over two thousand years ago you were born
    The joy The Heavenly Father have shown
    Sweet Baby Jesus the greatest gift the world has ever known
    Oh Emmanuel let us be ever grateful for you were born this day to save us from our sins
    Praise our most wonderful Messiah
    Let us fall on our knees to honor and cherish our Savior forever more. 🕊️❤️🙏

  2. Two thousand years ago, in a city that had no room for her King, in a lowly stable and to a couple of ordinary lives, a Miracle occurred. Seeing that His creations were being led astray by sinful men twisting His Glorious Word to suit their own vain purposes and leading His children away from Him, He chose to send His Word into the sin-stricken world in a way that could not be corrupted, could not be misinterpreted, could not be taken and misused by evil men, for that Word would be clothed in flesh and walk as a man; and yet that Word would also be God, eternal, incorruptible, and perfect, and that Word would also be the perfect sacrifice unto God to heal the breach sin made between man and God and end all sacrifice in its season.

    And so, in that humble manger, surrounded by peasants and beasts, the Incarnation occurred, sending shockwaves through all the world so strong that evil men still hate that it occurred and try to deny it even unto this day.

    “16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.”
    John 3:16-17

    On that day, the world changed. The gift of salvation, which no man could earn, was made freely available to all men; we need only claim Him as our Savior and follow in His ways, and we could be an heir with Him, and be of His children in Heaven forever.

    What was born in that manger, in that place, on that day, to that woman, was not just a baby.

    It was Hope.

    For ALL of us.

    The Glory of God was brought to Earth in the form of a Man to the glory of God, the Word to explain itself, and the Son to die that we might live, all unearned, all undeserved, all because Our Lord loved us and wants us to be with him.

    ALL of us.

    On this day, let us not speak of the things of this world, of petty men squatting in their temporal kingdoms and plotting evil against their fellow men. Such are but small candles with short wicks, dooming themselves to die deprived of the light of the Lord. Let us instead contemplate the Mercy that our Lord grants us, the Grace that we walk in every day, the Love that sent that Child to live, to teach, and to die for us, and the hope of the glory that only that precious Blood makes us worthy of.

    All because of that miraculous Incarnation of His Word in a squalid shed 2000 some years ago.

    “Jesus saith unto them, Did ye never read in the scriptures, The stone which the builders rejected, the same is become the head of the corner: this is the Lord’s doing, and it is marvellous in our eyes?”
    Matthew 21:42, KJV

    …take a moment in the joy of the day, the presents and tinsel, the warmth of family and the pleasures of a Christmas dinner to think you on the Author of the Feast, He whos Birth we celebrate this day, the Lord who makes all things possible…

    “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.”
    Luke 2:14

    God Bless,

  3. And Joseph said: “Why me? I’m just an ordinary man.
    Why him, with all the rulers in the world?
    Why here, inside this stable filled with hay?
    Why her? She’s just an ordinary girl.
    Now I’m not one to second guess what angels have to say, but this is such a strange way to save the world.”
    Merry Christmas to all! And we SHOULD be merry today, above all other days!

  4. ‘Happy Birthday’ – Frosty, ‘inadvertently’ belts out about the Lords birthday…

    and Of course, Merry Christmas to the IOTWr family and friends!

    Have a glorious day.


  5. Merry Christmas to all.
    I may not be your brand of Christian (Catholic, Protestant, Baptist, Presbyterian, etc.), but we do believe in Christ and celebrate Christmas.
    If you are not a Christian, then I accept your belief, though I do not believe in it. I wish you will convert to Christianity.
    Regardless, I love you all.
    Merry Christmas!


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