Fordham University professor fired after mixing up names of two black students – IOTW Report

Fordham University professor fired after mixing up names of two black students

PM: Fordham University professor Christopher Trogan, 46, was fired after mixing up the names of two black students in the class, according to a report.

Hours after what Trogan called an “innocent mistake,” the Fordham University lecturer sent a nine-page email to students in his Composition II classes explaining the incident and defending his “entire life” of working on “issues of justice, equality, and inclusion,” campus newspaper Fordham Observer reported.

“The offended student assumed my mistake was because I confused that student with another Black student,” Trogan wrote in the email to the Fordham students. “I have done my best to validate and reassure the offended student that I made a simple, human, error. It has nothing to do with race.” MORE

34 Comments on Fordham University professor fired after mixing up names of two black students

  1. How many students were in the class? Did either of the misnamed students bring it to the attention of the professor? So many questions, so little information. They’re gonna accuse him of intimating “they all look the same”

  2. Lesson Learned:

    Don’t teach black students if you’re white, because they’re only interested in finding a way to fuck you over. I hope B’lak’e and A-A Ron are happy.

  3. In the 90’s I got a license in AZ and noticed later on they had me listed as a M instead of an F. I thought it was hilarious because it was obviously wrong. I guess I could have retired at 23 if I had lawyered up and been outraged and made a federal case over an obvious mistake. Although to change it back today I’d probably also need a DNA test and who knows how many attestations from doctors to switch back. Back then I just walked in when it expired and pointed out the obvious error.

  4. Best thing is just avoid blacks, you know, segregation.

    My similar experience. A middle age black woman came in for evaluation of her chest pain. After 50 years you can easily spot a desire for disability. But I went with it and told her she would need a stress test. Then explained that with Obamacare, stress test were tough to get approval. She freaked. I had said something bad about Obama. Post on the internet, complained to the clinic. Only problem, and old doctor does not care, at all.

  5. Fordham? Just another woke Jesuit crazy bin, just like Loyola and Georgetown. Take a look at their website right now, offering a series of talks supposedly on free speech but led by George Stephanopoulos and Nikole Hannah-Jones, the latter the lunatic behind that 1619 pile of crap.

  6. “I have done my best to validate and reassure the offended student that I made a simple, human, error. It has nothing to do with race.”

    “The more innocent they are, the more they deserve to die.”

    Caught in a trap he helped build.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  7. An courteous apology is one thing, but when you attempt to stick yer head up yer ass in the process you are definitely going to get help in this mixed up, crazy world of extreme Liberal insanity!

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