Foreign Nationals Outnumber Americans in High-Paying, White-Collar Silicon Valley Jobs – IOTW Report

Foreign Nationals Outnumber Americans in High-Paying, White-Collar Silicon Valley Jobs

Breitbart: Foreign nationals now outnumber Americans in high-paying, high-skilled, white-collar jobs in Silicon Valley, California – the hub of the United States tech industry.

Silicon Valley Leadership Group President Carl Guardino touted the statistic in a report, revealing that 57 out of every 100 jobs in Silicon Valley that require at least a bachelor’s degree are taken by a foreign-born resident.

The revelation comes as President Trump’s daughter, Ivanka Trump, has led an initiative to increase educational funding of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields while ignoring the issue of mass immigration and multiple visa programs that have led to Americans being replaced by foreign nationals.

For instance, Ivanka helped secure $200 million of the Department of Education’s grant funds towards STEM fields, Breitbart News reported.

At the same time, Ivanka endorsed a plan to give amnesty to illegal aliens who have been shielded under a President Obama-created temporary amnesty program. Such an amnesty would have the potential to lead to a chain migration whereby between 9.9 million and 19 million foreign nationals enter the U.S. over the next few decades, further crowding out Americans from the workforce. read more

9 Comments on Foreign Nationals Outnumber Americans in High-Paying, White-Collar Silicon Valley Jobs

  1. It’s been going this way for years. I saw it happening around me, and then it happened to me, too. What had been a group of about 40 competent mathematicians, statisticians, and computer scientists from the U.S., China, India, Canada, and Russia became a group of about 50 semi-competent Indians. Toward the end of that “progress” the new Indian director reorganized me out of my job.

  2. @ Uncle Al

    I have seen many American engineer replaced by Indians.

    I don’t like to paint things with a broad brush, but they tend to be very risk adverse, and they have a hard time applying their knowledge to practical problems without guidance. The learning curve seems to be much longer with them.

    Only the Chinese engineers are worse at decision making. A Chinese engineer won’t make a decision. You have to make it for them. I guess they used to shoot people for screw ups back in the CR days in China.

  3. @ Uncle Al

    I have seen many American engineers replaced by Indians.

    I don’t like to paint things with a broad brush, but they tend to very risk adverse, and they have a hard time applying their knowledge to practical problems without guidance. The learning curve seems to be much longer with them.

    Only the Chinese engineers are worse at decision making. A Chinese engineer won’t make a decision. You have to make it for them. .

  4. I’d imagine the “fail fast, and start something ‘different’” managerial style of Silicon Valley might make finding companies to compare difficult, but I’d attribute more meaning to comparisons of “comparable” companies (size, age, etc.) that employ mostly foreign work forces, to mostly native work forces. Especially as it may or may not affect compensation and productivity.

  5. In a previous life, I was a commercial interior designer specializing in free-standing restaurants. For the zoning and building permit applications, you had to show the amount of parking available (inc handicapped), type of landscaping, where the light standards were located and where the catch basins were located in the parking lot, while citing various City Bylaws. The City of Markham, in Ontario Can, had a lot of Chinese engineers from Hong Kong who had trouble understanding standard markings on drawings. I had to show and explain to them how the water ran. I was quite bitchy and said that in Canada, water tends to run downhill. I think they were Affirmative Action hires.

  6. The nation that put a man on the moon does not need to import any sci’tech-eng “talent.” If our school systems and tolerance og stupidity amd feminism is making our kids stupid then we need to fix it. No more immigration

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