Foreign News Laughs at Biden: He ‘Needs a Retirement Home and a Warm Bowl of Soup’ – IOTW Report

Foreign News Laughs at Biden: He ‘Needs a Retirement Home and a Warm Bowl of Soup’

Western Journal: As President Joe Biden continues to make public blunders nearly every time he speaks, the United States is losing respect on the world stage. In order to see this happen in real time, you just need to turn on a foreign news channel.

Last week on Sky News Australia, Rita Panahi was hosting “The Friday Showdown.” On the show, she jokingly dubbed one of her segments “What in God’s name is Joe Biden trying to say?”

Panahi went on to show two videos of bizarre blunders that occurred just last week. First, Biden said during a speech about infrastructure that a computer spoke to him. more

Biden falls asleep at Climate Summit opening ceremony. NBC reporter Kelly O’Donnell makes excuses.

17 Comments on Foreign News Laughs at Biden: He ‘Needs a Retirement Home and a Warm Bowl of Soup’

  1. “If the populace knew with what idiocy they were ruled, they would revolt.”

    Charlemagne was full of shit. The “populace” is almost by definition cowardly and submissive. The whole Covid scam is nothing more than the powers that be gauging the number of those who are ready and willing to be herded off of a cliff.

  2. Even his own are fed up. Yesterday I saw a woman driving with a Biden/Harris sticker on her car that had been written over with a felt marker. It said FJB over the top of the sticker.

  3. This is all by design. This is EXACTLY why he was illegally inserted into the Presidency. To make America a laughingstock. To make America fail. Everything they have done and continue to do is part of the plan.

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  5. Foreign news is laughing at Biden ?

    Where have you been ?

    The entire world has been laughing
    even before the inauguration !

    Just because the corrupt MSM
    hasn’t reported it doesn’t mean
    it hasn’t happened and is
    continually happening.

    Joe ( Taffyhead ) Biden is the
    laughing stock of the world.

    But, the corrupt American MSM


    After all, they have the right to
    determine what you’re allowed to know !

  6. Joe needs a bit more than a retirement home and a bowl of soup.

    May we suggest a full craniectomy followed by excision of the remaining half of his cerebral cortex? It’s painless, Joe, really! And you won’t know it even happened.

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