Foreign Policy Scholars Who Opposed Iraq War Oppose Adding Ukraine to NATO – IOTW Report

Foreign Policy Scholars Who Opposed Iraq War Oppose Adding Ukraine to NATO


Foreign policy scholars who opposed the Iraq war said Wednesday they oppose adding Ukraine to NATO, saying that it could put the United States at war with Russia.

Dozens of foreign policy experts called on NATO members to avoid advancing toward Ukrainian membership at the upcoming summit in Washington, DC, next week. The scholars said that if Ukraine was admitted to the defensive pact, Russia attacking Ukraine in the future would trigger NATO’s Article 5, which would call for NATO allies to defend the member attacked. more

6 Comments on Foreign Policy Scholars Who Opposed Iraq War Oppose Adding Ukraine to NATO

  1. The Uke warmongers are treading on thin ice.

    I think very few people in America, or the west generally, want to risk being reduced to vapor because some idiots in power both here and in Europe want Ukraine admitted to NATO.

    Leave Ukraine to its fate and stop being so concerned about eastern Europe.

  2. The Deep State started this war. 18 Bio Labs on the Uke Russian border. Funny how that’s disappeared out of the headlines. Russia understandably asked that the Uke never become part of NATO. And here we are. If Trump regains the Presidency we should offer up all these deep state asshole to them as a peace offering. With our blessing,

  3. I can’t imagine the deep state allowing Trump to live long enough to take office. They are too committed to the lawlessness that they have engaged in for decades. I’m afraid our war is with ourselves.

  4. Everyone wants in on the American tax-payers’ money-laundering service provided by Ukraine.
    Shit, Russia should be asked to join NATO – just as much Atlantic coastline as Ukraine.

  5. $230million A DAY to support this war between two tyrants. Who,the fcuk, cares which one of these crooked billionaires ends up ruling Ukraine? The money is just funding and fueling bribery.

  6. Joe announcing Ukraine was going to be admitted to NATO (without first consulting either Ukraine OR NATO) is what prompted Russia to invade Ukraine, kicking off WW3. One of his many “accomplishments “.


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