Forensic Document Expert Says Jenna Ellis May Have Forged ‘Secret’ First Husband’s Signature On Annulment Documents – IOTW Report

Forensic Document Expert Says Jenna Ellis May Have Forged ‘Secret’ First Husband’s Signature On Annulment Documents


Jenna Ellis, her self proclaimed legal career, her image as some type of devout Christian woman, and even her odd personal life can be summarized with one simple phrase… “Fake it, till you make it.”

Jenna Ellis sells herself to the American public as a kind-hearted Christian woman. And of course, let’s not forget how she pretended to be a Trump supporter in the aftermath of the stolen 2020 Presidential election in an effort to gain favor with the same Trump supporters she continuously bashed in 2016 when Donald Trump first ran for President. Regardless of the many layers of concealer that Jenna uses to coverup her lack of qualifications and her mean spirited core, her opportunistic and disloyal true nature continues to shine through.

So, who is Jenna Ellis and why does she even matter? more

9 Comments on Forensic Document Expert Says Jenna Ellis May Have Forged ‘Secret’ First Husband’s Signature On Annulment Documents

  1. What is important about Jenna Ellis and the woman who lied about her children’s Christmas presents being stolen is that we still live in a society that cares enough about such things to be outraged by them. We still have a culture that recognizes what is right and what is wrong. That’s a very important thing. We should worry when these things no longer bother us. And it doesn’t matter right now if wrong-doers don’t get the justice we think they deserve for their wrongs. We know that our so-called legal/justice system is broken. What matters is that our society at large is still offended by bald-faced liars and cheaters. That part is not broken.

  2. She’s one tough lawyer and very good at playing the woman/I’m a victim card. Chokes up, sheds tears, shows how emotionally upset she is.
    Of course her “As an attorney who is a Christian I take my responsibilities as a lawyer very seriously (insert sniffling and wiping eyes). It’s all an act, like the prostitute that only loves you.

  3. Someone needs to tell Jenna about the Capnocytophaga bacteria before she chooses with which type of critter to share her love, given that her falling out of an ugly tree and hitting every branch on the way down has made her unlovable by her own make and model, (AKA genus and species.)


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