Forest fires—truth going up in flames – IOTW Report

Forest fires—truth going up in flames

Canada Free Press: Until the recent Canadian wildfires sent plumes of smoke over the densely populated cities around the Great Lakes and Eastern Seaboard, few people in those cities had ever experienced the weird orange haze of a forest fire or the temporary spike in fine particulates and pervasive smell of smoke. And understandably, many people reacted with some alarm. We city dwellers typically only see wildfires on television, usually alongside footage of fire crews and water bombers valiantly trying to put them out, which creates the impression they are somehow unnatural events that must be avoided at all costs. Of course, in reality, forest fires are not only natural but are essential to the life cycle of the forest ecosystem.

Unfortunately, politicians, reporters and climate activists rushed in to exploit this unusual event to push their agenda. They made a lot of glib claims about climate change causing wildfires to become more common. For instance, Prime Minister Trudeau tweeted “We’re seeing more and more of these fires because of climate change.”

That statement is false. Amid the smokescreen of untrue claims, nobody seems to have bothered looking up the numbers. Canadian forest fire data are available from the Wildland Fire Information System. Wildfires have been getting less frequent in Canada over the past 30 years (see chart below). The annual number of fires grew from 1959 to 1990, peaking in 1989 at just over 12,000 that year, and has been trending down since. From 2017 to 2021 (the most recent interval available), there were about 5,500 fires per year, half the average from 1987 to 1991. read more

13 Comments on Forest fires—truth going up in flames

  1. @Say what?
    Last week I saw a time-lapse video recording from a satellite that showed the fires starting in a progression that seemed like someone was travelling to each location and starting a fire. It may have been fake. I didn’t save the link.

  2. ^^^^^
    What I interesting is that when we have one big fire after another here in Cali the Tin Foil Hat Crowd starts pointing to the skies claiming the Government is starting them with laser beams from killer satellites. Not a peep of that from Canada. Which probably means the Government is starting them with laser beams from killer satellites. We even have pics of the laser beam.

  3. Arson, probably by government agents. In a perverse way you could say they were caused or exacerbated by climate change. After all, the commie narrative says climate change is a thing and forest fires are… fires… caused by hotness… and we gotta support the narrative, so send out the arsonists to support the narrative!

  4. I used to love watching nature documentaries, but the ones now always have to make the obligatory comments on climate change but never offer any proof. I watched David Attenborough try to blame corral death at The Great Barrier Reef on global warming, only to state later in the program that the most damage is caused by cyclones.

  5. No way all those fires accidentally started at the same time.
    When you watch the video it’s obvious they were set.
    We’ve had milky skies and the smell of smoke overwhelms the smell of the salt air and we only live a couple of blocks from the ocean.
    Money sure is a strong motivator to these commie phonies.

  6. Climate goons tell us more plant food in the atmosphere is bad.

    Did you see the eminent domain shenanigans they are pulling to put in a carbon pipeline in the midwest? Some 1500 miles of plant food carrying pipe to shuv it into the ground, because plant food above ground, where plants use it, is bad.

    Then they start fires in order to kill more plants to convince us that there’s too much plant food.

    At the same time tell us to eat plant based food in order to kill even more plants.

    What do green goons have against plants, ffs?

    This is the Great Green Plant Genocide.

  7. If you have been watching the weather, you may notice that the storm pattern has stalled out in the same area the smoke covered previously. It isn’t an accident, it called geoengineering.

  8. Just a couple of years ago I marveled at how great the green and blue colors were on my hd tv during weather reports. Now they’re red and orange to scare dumb people.

  9. Just the undeniable consistency of The Media reporting on this like it’s a football game is enough to tell anyone who is paying attention that is is scripted somewhere upstream from the “news” and its just another act in a confidence job.


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