Forever Wars – IOTW Report

Forever Wars

“When fanatics are on top, there are no limits to oppression.” — H.L. Mencken

American Thinker – February 24 will mark one year since the conflict between Ukraine and Russia reignited into armed hostilities.

When Joe Biden was asked recently how long the combat might persist, the politician replied: “As long as it takes.” Unfortunately, nobody seems to know what “it” is. In short: no talks, no diplomacy, no strategic goals, and apparently still no exit ramps for the next two… or six years. Clearly, Biden believes he can ride the Ukraine war horse to a second term.

Biden may be correct. Another “forever” foreign war seems to have overwhelming bipartisan support in Washington.

Concurrently, whilst POTUS fielded soft balls from Judy Woodruff on PBS, Jan Stoltenberg raised troubling questions in Europe. Stoltenberg, the Secretary General of NATO, claimed that the Ukraine army is using artillery shells faster than NATO (including the U.S.), can produce… or replenish.

No reports of ammo shortages on the Russian side, however.

Recall then, that America alone has already provided $100 billion to Kiev and the Zelensky oligarchs to cope with Vladimir Putin’s “special military operation.” As the first anniversary of the Ukraine cage match draws nigh, Putin has abandoned euphemism and now calls the conflict a “war.”

The difference between an operation and a war is a little like the difference between a tremor and an earthquake. Still, Washington and Moscow are on the same page on at least one issue. more

7 Comments on Forever Wars

  1. “Putin seems to have accepted the fact that Russia and America are now at war;”

    I don’t think that’s accurate. Putin knows he’s at war with Washington DC, not the American people.

    Check out some of Tulsi Gabbards latest FOX appearances or her Twitter page. “The Elites will hide in their bunkers while the rest of us fry” That seems pretty accurate.

  2. “I don’t think that’s accurate. Putin knows he’s at war with Washington DC, not the American people.”

    The American people are not in any way served by preserving the Ukraine as Washington DC’s One Stop Money Laundering Shop and Corruption Clearing House. None what so ever.

  3. Started in 2014? Hmmmmm….a world war every hundred years?

    I must admit my first take on the war – a quid-pro-quo thing that would not last as long as a year, is looking less likely. The concept was that the west would allow Putin to take eastern Ukraine at the cost of bringing Russia into the Big Boy’s Club – the WEF, World Bank, Global Capitalist Enterprises, etc. For the purpose of fighting Global Warming and severely reducing the world’s population.


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