Forget Russia, What About Qatar? – IOTW Report

Forget Russia, What About Qatar?

FPM: There hasn’t been a sudden explosion of paranoia and fear about Russia like this since Sputnik.

In the ‘12 election debates, Obama had breezily dismissed Romney’s suggestion that Russia was the leading geopolitical threat. “You said Russia. Not al Qaeda. You said Russia,” he sneered. “And the 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back, because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years.”

Obama was nearly right.

Russia is a serious geopolitical threat, but despite Putin’s imperial ambitions and the malicious actions of a regime run by former KGB operatives, it falls far behind the threat posed by the People’s Republic of China. The Cold War is over and Russia lost. That may be of small comfort to Ukraine or Georgia, and the other former subject nations of the Soviet Union that it threatens, but it’s no real threat to us.

China isn’t our leading geopolitical foe either.

Obama mentioned Al Qaeda in his attack on Romney. The Islamic terrorist group was already largely irrelevant. But the terror kingdom behind it is more dangerously relevant than ever.

According to the intelligence community, Abdullah bin Khalid al-Thani, a member of the Qatari royal family, its former interior minister and minister of Islamic affairs, was an Al Qaeda sympathizer who had harbored Khalid Sheikh Muhammad. When the FBI arrived in Qatar to arrest him, the mastermind of the 9/11 attacks was transported away on a special Qatari government jet with blacked out windows.

And there have been suspicions over the years that Qataris played a larger role in 9/11.  more here

5 Comments on Forget Russia, What About Qatar?

  1. Hunh. I don’t remember any of this being in the 9/11 Commission Report.

    All I remember is how they lectiured us that Qatar is pronounced “gutter”, and all the talking heads were saying “gutter” as often as they could. Seems like that pronunciation has fallen out of favor recently.

  2. Funny how they sit around the Central Scrutinizer’s table and figure subtle ways to prevaricate. Pronunciation seems one of their go to tactics. Back when Fort Hood was in the news, around here at least,likely because he “grew up locally”, they purposely and comically made a point to pronounce his name as “ny-doll has-an” instead of the real way. Guess they thought it sounded less muzzy that way.

  3. Never assume that assholes like Mueller give a rat’s ass about the safety of the US nor any US citizen nor the rule of law in any way. He’s just another deep state hack piece of shit abusing the law to conjure up tall tales where he is always the “hero” all at the expense of the lives of innocent people that Mueller has decided don’t matter. Fuck him. Fuck the FBI. Fuck the DoJ. They aren’t worth a shit with people like Mueller, Comey, or Rosenstein running things.

  4. Mueller is also the guy who, while head of the FBI, gutted it of any sensible training about islam; made sure that experts in the field were no longer permitted to teach the rank and file about the ideology of islam socially, politically and militarily. Explaining that shariah law is inseparable from islam and totally incompatible with the US Constitution became taboo. Mueller is worse than a partisan hack or a crooked public servant; HE IS A TRAITOR.

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