Forks Are Racist – IOTW Report

Forks Are Racist


One of the basic tenets of liberalism is that everything is racism, but since there are so many things in existence it’s a monumental task to detail and catalog them all. Thankfully one of them finally got around to letting us know that using forks is racist. Yup, in fact all silverware is representative of colonialism, Eurocentrism, and white privilege. That’s the trifecta of racism, so you know this is serious. more

37 Comments on Forks Are Racist

  1. Amateurs! Why, I bet the good people of could come up with much better examples of “racism” without even trying that hard. Why did they stop at the fork and European colonialism? The use of fire is racist, too. Cooking food, heat, warmth, illuminating the night — not to mention those evil KKK Democrats who used it to burn churches!

  2. Under this philosophy houses are racist.
    We should all live in mud huts and use chop sticks.
    But then that’s cultural appropriation.
    At some point you just admit to not caring what is racist at all. If EVERYTHING is racist, nothing is truly racist.

  3. Is not coming to a new country and demanding that they adopt your ways Colonialism? We in the West are allowing ourselves to be colonized by primitives. If one wants to move to a new place, they must adopt the manners and customs of their new home. Either that or return to the Utopia they left behind when they chose to move to our racist societies.

  4. This can work two ways in eurocentric favor. First, any non-euocentric person using inventions by said people of eurocentric origins is appropriating eurocentric culture. Second, to non-eurocentric people any invention by eurocentric people is RACIST so they would be a hypocrite for using it. It’s time to put our eurocentric feet down!

  5. The use of utensils prevented many Europeans from contaminating their own food with dirty hands and possibly poisoning themselves with E. Coil bacteria or contracting cholera.

    Funny how using a fork is racist, but tacitly declaring that others races care too little about cleanliness to use one isn’t.

  6. willysgoatgruff
    SEPTEMBER 12, 2019 AT 1:23 PM
    “A fork is nothing more then 2 pair of tiny chop sticks with a unified handle…..”

    …sooo, cultural appropriation, then? Still rayyciss, see how they fix the game?

  7. As I understand it when eating with your hands you always have to use your right hand because your left is considered unclean because it’s the hand used to wipe yourself after taking a dump. This leads me to wonder whether right-hand amputees starve to death.
    Anyway this guy is supposed to be a “Celebrity” chef here in Toronto. I wonder what would happen if his restaurant were broken into and all the silverwear stolen?

  8. Glass windows.
    Hot tubs.
    Swimming pools.
    Barbed wire.
    Stainless Steel.
    Steam engines (external combustion engines).
    Internal combustion engines.

    Well, just about everything outside of mud huts and worm infestations.

    Oh, yeah, the wheel.

    izlamo delenda est …

  9. This kind of BS must originate in our colleges and universities. I don’t think people who only completed high school are this stupid. Unless they later read whinny crap written by tenured college professors and their students.

  10. I want brown people to not be offended into modern civilization by thoughtlessly designed and manufactured white racist creations. To start, electrcity and internal combustion along with all the things that use them to do work (along with the forks) can now be returned and I promise I won’t be offended either.

  11. And forks are dangerous too! How many direction impaired Democrats have stabbed themselves in the eye instead of the mouth? Same thing when they jab their toothbrush up their noses instead of their mouths!

  12. what’s wrong with the word nigger? blacks say it all the time.
    the word obviously doesn’t offend them at all.
    they only object to white people saying it.
    in other words, it’s whites they don’t like. not the word.

    in addition, it is discriminatory to say that whites cannot use a word that blacks use. whites are being discriminated against.

  13. So if a minority eats with i fork is it cultural appropriation? I have few more Using electricity if you a minority is cultural appropriation as both the means of generating electricity and transmitting it to the general public are BOTH products of white supremacy. As is the Internal combustion engine, The internet, The telephone telegraph and cell phones. I could go on ad-nauseum. So if you are so concerned about a fork lets go all the way in both directions.


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