Former Arizona GOP Chair Scammed $400k from Elderly Mass. Woman, Left Party Finances a ‘Mess’ – IOTW Report

Former Arizona GOP Chair Scammed $400k from Elderly Mass. Woman, Left Party Finances a ‘Mess’

Robert Graham was fined $15,000 and banned from working in Massachusetts, and caused the party to face FEC scrutiny for its poor financial reporting. – National File.

8 Comments on Former Arizona GOP Chair Scammed $400k from Elderly Mass. Woman, Left Party Finances a ‘Mess’

  1. No doubt that former GOP party chair thinks Joe Biden won the election fair and square and anyone who voices doubts should be shunned. And if he will testify to that fact under oath, the judge will let him off easy for this crime.


    Everything in this country has only one direction and one point.

    The only thing law and judges and court are for are to make sure commies, blacks and queers come out on top.

    The only thing journalism is for is to make sure commies, blacks and queers come out on top.

    And we can’t forget the federal reserve. They exist for one purpose and one purpose only. There’s not even any pretense anymore.
    Their job number one, and it’s their only job, is to make sure debt and asset prices go up to make their colleagues in the industry rich, who will in turn pay them millions in speaking fees after they retire from the federal reserve.

    That is the sum totoal of everything that happens in the United States now.

  2. He is a one man wrecking ball. His history is well documented. He could move to Redmond/Bellevue and fit right in in that snake pit. They control the Washington State Republican Party and are just as duplicitous, self serving and destructive as this guy.

    This asshole is a prime example:

    “If it’s good policy, we’re better off making the case for it,” said Sen. Bill Finkbeiner, R-Redmond, who voted for the gas tax. “To sort of throw up our hands and give up before the game starts is a bad idea.”

    HE was for it before he was against it.


    A carbon tax’s primary goal is to address carbon output and climate change, but it also provides certain economic benefits, said Bill Finkbeiner, another member of Carbon Washington’s executive committee and a Republican who served in the Washington State Legislature for years, including as Senate majority leader. A revenue neutral scheme returns leftover funds to the citizens in the form of either tax breaks or rebates, meaning more money goes back into the economy, and low- and middle-income households in particular get a boost.


    “We’re hoping to build kind of a coalition between environmentalists and businesses and Republicans and Democrats,” he said. “It’s going to be a challenge. You know, there’s a lot of Republican constituencies who maybe haven’t had climate change on the top of their list, but we think also that the awareness is that something needs to be done about climate change.”

  3. MJA, Ducey is responsible (with help from mumbles McConnell) for the GOP loss of AZ senate seats. McConnell squeezed him to appoint McSally (obviously someone Mitch could count on) to the Senate, who promptly lost and then lost again. I’m sure McConnell explained (in a mumbly southern drawl) how “Doug’s gonna have a bright future in the GOP”. McSally maybe the worst GOP senate candidate in my lifetime. The GOP really is the party of stupid.

  4. FTA: “The investment opportunity in question was a project to pull apart a steel mill in yet another state, which Graham claimed only failed due to “weather and commodity prices.”

    Hmmm, I’ve been doing it all wrong. My broker only invests in ETFs/Mutual funds. I don’t recall ever being presented with such an option.


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