Former baseball player, Brandon Martin convicted of triple murder – IOTW Report

Former baseball player, Brandon Martin convicted of triple murder

OAN: Former minor league baseball player Brandon Martin has been found guilty of three counts of first-degree murder.

On Thursday, the 27-year-old was convicted of killing his father, uncle and an alarm system installer with a baseball bat back in 2015 in Corona, California.

He reportedly attacked Michael Martin, Ricky Anderson and Barry Swanson after being released from a mental health facility where he was held for two days after choking and threatening his mother. more

12 Comments on Former baseball player, Brandon Martin convicted of triple murder

  1. ” … killing his father, uncle and an alarm system installer with a baseball bat … ”

    A baseball bat.

    An appropriate weapon for him.

    But did he have a license for it?

  2. …well, kudos to that “it’s not your fault” “mental health facility” for a job well Democratted.

    I notice that attempted matricide doesn’t even get you a 72 hour commit any more. Guess they had to let him out in time to vote all his personalities for Joe, nicht wahr?

    …in the Kingdom of the Psychopaths, who is King indeed…

  3. Blink
    NOVEMBER 8, 2020 AT 2:58 PM
    “It shouldn’t take 5 years to convict someone for murder. That does not meet my idea of a speedy trial.”

    …well, we should ask the AP about what the definition of a speedy trial is now, given that their selection of Pedophile Biden as president suggests that they are now in the role of Constitutional arbeiter because, hate OrangeMan…

  4. Prosecutor: What were you thinking when you bludgeoned those three people to death?

    Brandon (giggling and making faces): Triple Play, Triple Play, Triple Play! Ha ha ha!

    Defense Attorney: Ladies and gentlemen of the jury. My client had been severely bullied by his teammates for his low batting average and lack of home runs. They ragged on him for months – every day. They even told him to wear a dress! The relentless cruelty caused him to go into a manic/irrational/depressive/psychotic/violent state. He felt, in his heart, that he had to prove to the entire world that he could swing a bat and hit a baseball out of the park. He thought of the victims heads as baseballs and in his tragic illness, he hit them with his bat. But, he sincerely wanted to hit them out of the park, not kill them. Ladies and gentlemen, it is we, all of us, who are both guilty and innocent of this so-called crime. For, is it not us, you and I and everybody who clamors for more home runs and higher batting averages from every baseball player? It is not we who put relentless pressure on these young men? When they psychologically can’t accept it, they end up playing for teams like the Cedar Rapids Mudpies. You know in your hearts this could be your own son. You must acquit this fine young man and feel the same love that you would feel for your own son.

  5. Hey, I’m a baseball player, gimmie a break. Why does the fact that he is a baseball player even enter the conversation? If I was to beat a guy with a torque wrench would I get special consideration because I’m a tool salesman?

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