Former Bengals First-Round Pick Billy Price Retires at 29 Due to an “Unprovoked Pulmonary Embolism” – IOTW Report

Former Bengals First-Round Pick Billy Price Retires at 29 Due to an “Unprovoked Pulmonary Embolism”

Discern Report:

Another day, another young and otherwise healthy elite athlete is taken from his sport due to unexplained health issues. As usual, nobody is asking whether the Covid-19 “vaccines” contributed to the problem.

For NFL player Billy Price, the silver lining is that his career ended through retirement instead of death. It’s conspicuous that blood clots, which have been commonly attributed to the jabs, is the reason for his “health scare.” more

15 Comments on Former Bengals First-Round Pick Billy Price Retires at 29 Due to an “Unprovoked Pulmonary Embolism”

  1. What is “Gain of Function?” Gain of Function is mutating diseases that normally only effect specific animals so they infect humans. Anybody participating in Gain Of Function should be tortured for 30 days before we allow them to die.

  2. Brad: “What is “Gain of Function?” Gain of Function is mutating diseases that normally only effect specific animals so they infect humans. Anybody participating in Gain Of Function should be tortured for 30 days before we allow them to die.”

    Almost. They should be used as test subjects for whatever God-awful plague they concocted, THEN allowed to die once the disease has run its course without treatment or intervention.

  3. Heatsync
    MONDAY, 27 MAY 2024, 0:17 AT 12:17 AM

    “They should be used as test subjects for whatever God-awful plague they concocted, THEN allowed to die once the disease has run its course without treatment or intervention.”

    …they can have ONE “treatment”.

    The Jab.

    And make SURE they KNOW its the REAL jab, not the saline they NORMALLY get.

    Watch ’em try to squirm away THEN…

  4. Brad
    SUNDAY, 26 MAY 2024, 23:49 AT 11:49 PM
    “^^^^^ Rather a weird term to use in some ones death announcement, ain’t it? I guess he never provoked the JAB, but it still killed him.”

    …Ive read quite a few medical reports and wrote some squad reports filled with medical terminology specifically taught to synch with doctors and such, and I cant say that term EVER came up except perhaps in the context of a mechanism of injury where the patient claimed himself the victim of an “unprovoked” physical assault.

    Read a few death certificates too, dont recall the term “unprovoked” coming up as a primary cause of sequelae of either.

    Could be just a guy raised in sports translating his medical findings into his own argot.

    But it still scans oddly, like someone coached him to deflect from the possibility of it having an iatrogenic origin, because these days no one “provokes” a disease into being like a doctor…

  5. So, tell me that you got The Jab, without telling me that you got The Jab

  6. A provoked embolism would be one caused by something like surgery. I suppose it would be provoked if caused by the jab. I had 2 unprovoked pulmonary embolisms at the same last year. No known cause found. Now I have to take damned expensive Eliquis for the rest of my life. I was going to an already scheduled Doc’s appointment. When I got there he sent me to the ER as my oxygen level was low and I was blue. Since i had blood transfusions 2 years ago i do wonder if the blood was tainted.


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