Former CDC Director Says Covid-19 Was Likely Created With U.S. Taxpayer Funds – IOTW Report

Former CDC Director Says Covid-19 Was Likely Created With U.S. Taxpayer Funds

National File: At a Wednesday U.S. House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus pandemic response, former CDC Director Dr. Robert Redfield told the subcommittee that U.S. taxpayer funds were likely used to fund the gain of function research that created the Covid-19 Virus. NationalFile previously reported these facts on April 13, 2020.

U.S. Rep. Malliotakis (R-NY) directly asked Redfield about gain of function research at Wednesday’s hearing. “Is it likely that American tax dollars funded the gain-of-function research that created this Virus?” the New York congresswoman asked.

“I think it did not only come from NIH, but from the State Department, USAID, and DOD,” Redfield said. “Remember this pandemic did not start in January at the seafood market. We all know that there were infections all the way back in September [2019].” more here

15 Comments on Former CDC Director Says Covid-19 Was Likely Created With U.S. Taxpayer Funds

  1. Several people told me anecdotally that they were quite sick in Fall 2019. And lost a good friend in September, my next-door neighbor growing up, who ‘died suddenly’, age 59.

  2. I keep saying this. I have had ENOUGH of our goobermint using our taxpayer money against us. Who here goes to work thinking, “Boy. I sure hope the tax money I am forced to forfeit during my 14 hour shift goes to the making of a man-made virus that will be unleashed on Earth and kill people and ruin lives!”

    FUCKERS. 🖕🤬🖕

  3. Paid for by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the DNC and released on America to destroy Donald Trumps sky rocketing economy. Spread world wide so they wouldn’t look guilty.

  4. I had “IT” or something similar in January 2020 and I live in the middle of everywhere America, north central Kansas….It’s been here awhile before that to get here from China…..Or did they drop ship this crap via USPS, UPS, FED EX, civilian air traffic…….Holy crap, now I sound like Brad….

  5. I had it Nov 2019.
    Well before it was accepted & public.

    Turdeau’s Favourite Country has HUGE Traffic from flights to & from ChYnA to Toronto International Airport (7-10 min from where i live)

  6. @ fullmetal256

    There’s nothing more expensive than free stuff especially if the government is the one providing it. The EPA is planning to provide me with clean air of which I already have an abundance by condemning my wood stove and requiring low sulfur heating oil for a mere $1.50/gal more than regular # 1.

  7. This is old news. It was widely discussed in 2020. I guess two years of full-press gaslighting was effective.

    I am not sure those funding the research and supplying the original virus were aware that the Wuhan lab was doing things that would never, ever happen in nature. Covid-19 is a weaponized virus.

    Nice trick by the CCP, getting their enemy to fund the weapon that would be used against them.

  8. Kink of shock for someone to openly speak the truth to the powerful in this country.

    For the record Dr. Redfield will not have killed himself and is perfectly healthy.


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