Former CIA Officer: ‘Russiagate’ Was Manufactured By The Clinton Campaign – IOTW Report

Former CIA Officer: ‘Russiagate’ Was Manufactured By The Clinton Campaign


[…] At roughly the same time the Clinton campaign began a major effort to connect Trump with Russia as a way to discredit him and his campaign and to deflect the revelations of her own campaign malfeasance coming from WikiLeaks. In late August, Senate Minority Leader Harry Reid wrote to FBI head James Comey and demanded that the “connections between the Russian government and Donald Trump’s presidential campaign” be investigated. In September Senator Diane Feinstein and Representative Adam Schiff of the Senate and House intelligence committees respectively publicly accused the Russians of meddling in the election “based on briefings we have received.”

The linkage between the dossier and the timing of the Democratic Party attempt to tie Trump to Moscow is significant given what has been revealed over the past several days. As it turns out, it has been confirmed that Steele’s firm Fusion GPS was indeed paid not only by the DNC, but also by the Clinton Campaign itself. A Washington lawyer named Marc Elias, whose firm Perkins Coie worked for both the DNC and Hillary, was the go-between on the arrangement, which began in April 2016 and continued until the election… More

12 Comments on Former CIA Officer: ‘Russiagate’ Was Manufactured By The Clinton Campaign

  1. There is one reason I knew the whole thing was a lie from the start:
    Dems love the Russians and have colluded with them since the start of the Cold War, huge false flag when they all the sudden say they are Americans greatest threat.
    Mocked Palin and Romney and in just 8 years they view Russia the same way? Not a chance in hell.

  2. These two leave a thick coating of mucus everywhere they go entrapping any unwary fool who makes the mistake of thinking they have any other motive but their own self enrichment. They are criminals and that’s all they ever have been. Always one step ahead of the hangman.

  3. nwo people invested a lot of money in her to win.
    not lose.

    why she is still walking around after the piss poor campaign she ran is a wonder to me.

    unless she is to “take the fall” for their misdeeds.

    I would bet money this is only coming out as a way to get rid of her and her syndicate for losing and have them shoulder the burden of guilt for the criminal actions taken.

    she had it all, money the msm and nwo backing and she still lost.

  4. It’s looking like Baracky made her SoS so he could get in on all her shady deals (because he’s too stupid to start his own shady deals) and she used this Russian thing to try to stop Trump, and keep her dealings secret.

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