Former Clinton Campaign Lawyer Represents New Hampshire Voter ID Lawsuit – IOTW Report

Former Clinton Campaign Lawyer Represents New Hampshire Voter ID Lawsuit

Quelle surprise


DC: The former top campaign lawyer for Hillary Clinton is representing a lawsuit against New Hampshire’s voter identification laws.

 The League of Woman Voters and three individual voters — represented by Marc Elias — are suing the state of New Hampshire in an attempt to block a law on voter registration, including current laws like providing a driver’s license to prove that the voter’s primary residence is in the state and district in which they will be voting.

The New Hampshire lawsuit documents name Elias as an attorney, and he has been behind a number of similar lawsuits that were filed against voter identification laws. Elias is currently the chair of Perkins Coie Political Law practice, based in Washington, D.C.

The lawsuit, which was filed in a New Hampshire court in late August, is reportedly supported by Priorities USA, one of the largest Democratic super PACs that backed Clinton’s campaign. Priorities received $9.5 million from known Democratic donor George Soros throughout the 2016 election.  more here

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