Former Clinton Fundraiser Says Hillary Should ‘Shut The F*** Up And Go Away’ – IOTW Report

Former Clinton Fundraiser Says Hillary Should ‘Shut The F*** Up And Go Away’

Former Clinton Fundraiser Says Hillary Should ‘Shut The F*** Up And Go Away’

22 Comments on Former Clinton Fundraiser Says Hillary Should ‘Shut The F*** Up And Go Away’

  1. WTF???


    Did Hell just freeze over?

    STFU Hillary – you lost because America can’t trust you, and despite all Trump’s faults, we wanted him instead of you.

  2. I would thing the logical/natural reaction to the loss of a Presidential Campaign, that you owned, would be to question how you misjudged the electorate. I guess the electorate is to blame too.

  3. She’s The Best Entertainment around For My Dollar !
    I Don’t Like Seeing Her Or Hearing Her Voice ( scratchy Mosquito ) I Just Love The Stupid Shit She Say’s… and that She’s now Scarring the Democrats !

  4. This woman is delusional. If she had an ounce of decency she’d stop blaming everyone else, call off her violent resistance to free elections, and just go away.
    But then, if her rapist husband had an ounce of decency he would have resigned after getting caught ejaculating on Monica Lewinski while he was at work.
    Had that happened we never would have had to be subjected to politician Hillary in the first place.

  5. Has anyone calculated the cost to American tax payers, the cost of Bill’s yammering, jammering, innocuous infidelity?

    Surly the expense of his obscene ejaculation on the ‘blue dress’ must be an exorbitantly ridiculous amount when based on his ‘per hour’ rate of pay. $400,000 per year based on 2,000 hours= $200.00 per hour.

    Maybe I’m wrong, maybe some whores earn much more than that and likely… some public servants pay a much higher price, just short of paying the ultimate price.

    Too bad for us.

  6. Give credit to Mr. Trump for getting into the Democrats’ heads.
    Big time.
    They are still very tortured over what happened during the election.
    And I thank God every day for what happened.
    Ha ha ha

  7. Brad,

    The whole Hillary Clinton running for president campaign was a huge PSYOP portrayed on the American people which tried unsuccessfully to convince the MAJORITY of Americans that she was the chosen one with the highest polling numbers. It was a media lie that backfired tremendously.

    What it did , in fact, was swell the arrogant heads of the imbeciles so much that they became convinced she’d win to the point of relaxing their aim while simultaneously infuriating the right into voting through fear of a Hillary dictatorship.

    Without Hillary, Trump wouldn’t have won. Bernie the commie shitstain probably would have.

    That being said, if Trump betrays his voter base by continuing to rub elbows with the cocksucker congressmen and senators like Pelosi and Schumer… out Trump.

    I really think Trump needs to stop with this apparent leftward compromising bullshit or the right-wing backlash will make the Antifa twats look like Mr. Rogers Neighborhood in comparison.

    Build the wall.
    Eject the illegals, and their fucking kids as well.
    Repeal Obamacare.
    Don’t raise the debt ceiling one iota.
    Term limits on Washington DC through executive order (if that’s even possible).
    Indict Hillary for espionage, and other nefarious activities.
    Abolish the Southern Poverty Law Center.
    Abolish Planned Parenthood.
    Make abortion punishable by law.
    Reform welfare so that having more children REDUCES the benefit.
    Ban permanently: the practice of Communism, Marxism, Islam or any other anti-constitutional activity.

    Above all, act more like a damn conservative instead of a milquetoast compromising limp dick.

  8. The absolutely best, biggest, surprise gift of my life was last November 8th.
    “STFU”, hell no, keep on Hillary, keep on. Antifa, BLM, liberal colleges like Nevergreen and Bizzerkely, keep it up. Democrats/media, please, please keep supporting crazy commies.
    The entire Demonrat party was caught flat footed, this wasn’t supposed to happen, the fix was in.
    I can’t wait to see who they run in 2020.

  9. @Irony Curtain September 7, 2017 at 11:29 pm

    > if her rapist husband had an ounce of decency he would have resigned after

    They got caught illegally “negotiating” “universal care,” and whipped out the “We’re from Arkansas. We’re too stupid to know any better.” defense. It would have save all that time repacking.

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