Former Clinton IT aide invokes 5th Amendment rights during testimony – IOTW Report

Former Clinton IT aide invokes 5th Amendment rights during testimony

WASHINGTON, June 22 (UPI) — Former U.S. State Department IT specialist Bryan Pagliano on Wednesday invoked his Fifth Amendment rights more than 125 times during private deposition with conservative watchdog Judicial Watch, Fox News reported.

Pagliano spoke mostly from an index card, reading the same crafted statement each time, a source told Fox News. His deposition was originally scheduled for two weeks ago, but postponed when his lawyers notified the court that Pagliano would be pleading the Fifth.

The move was made partly due to the federal government granting the former State Department employee limited immunity in its ongoing probe into whether classified information was mishandled. more


9 Comments on Former Clinton IT aide invokes 5th Amendment rights during testimony

  1. Amazon is selling shirts that say: “Hillary Sucks. But not like Monica.”

    This guy is pleading the 5th for fear of Hillary, not fear of incriminating himself. He knows her track record.

  2. Judicial Watch can’t grant immunity. What did they expect, him to roll on Hillary in return for…nothing?

    This reminds me of the years of pointless committee hearings over Benghazi chaired by Gowdy. Lots of screaming and in the end, not a fucking thing. The same with the IRS. It’s all bullshit.

  3. DOJ cut him a deal and the deal is unpublished and “secret”.
    Who will benefit? Hillary and Pagliano.
    The DOJ is stacked with Obama progressive appointees who follow orders. Justice has nothing to do with the DOJ. Hillary will not be indicted or prosecuted.
    It has been shown repeatedly Hillary is untouchable. She’s more equal than all others.

  4. Did they offer him immunity from being “Vince Fostered?”
    Or “Ron Browned?”
    Or … (~ 90 dead whose lives intersected/interfered with the Clintons’)

    Money can buy anything … ANYTHING! Ask Chris Stevens …

    izlamo delenda est …

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