Former congressman Barney Frank(D): Beto O’Rourke ‘May Be Regretting That He’s Straight’ – IOTW Report

Former congressman Barney Frank(D): Beto O’Rourke ‘May Be Regretting That He’s Straight’

WFB: Barney Frank (D., Mass.), the former congressman whose live-in personal aide ran a male escort service out of their Washington, D.C., apartment in the 1980s, recently weighed in on the success of South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg, who is vying to become the first openly gay president in history.

In an interview with the Boston Globe published on Friday, Frank said Buttigieg’s sexuality was “an advantage” that has helped him stand out in a crowded Democratic primary field dominated by straight white men. “If he were straight, I don’t think he would be doing as well,” Frank said.

Frank even suggested that Buttigieg’s rivals might be wishing they were gay, because it would allow voters to signal their lack of bigotry by supporting them. “It attracts attention to [Buttigieg] and he gets points for being open and honest and gives people a chance to affirm their lack of prejudice,” Frank said. “I think Beto O’Rourke may be regretting that he’s straight.”  more here

SNIP: The D stands for Diva.  *eye roll*

33 Comments on Former congressman Barney Frank(D): Beto O’Rourke ‘May Be Regretting That He’s Straight’

  1. “…Pete Buttigieg, who is vying to become the first openly gay president in history.”
    Obozo beat him to it……..

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. It wouldn’t be that hard for Beto to jump the fence and become Butto when he’s up on one of those counter tops. Deviant political advice from one of the original Congressional Deviants is always welcome in the political party that can’t seem to get enough deviancy.

  3. Bwaney Fwank. Now, THERE’S a name I haven’t heard lately!

    …haven’t MISSED it, either.

    …No worries, Bun Barn. I’m pretty confident that Beto has SOME sexual perversion he can run on, that’ll “come out” sooner or later in the primary process.

    …After all, sexual perversion isn’t just WELCOME in the Democrat leadership,


  4. A “special” note from Barney Fwank:
    The guy who slobbers more than a Saint Bernard on Novocain…
    “Guess whut today is?”
    “May the 4th be with you”
    “Betcha didn’t know I’m a Stah Warz fwan”
    Giggle, snort, chortle, wheeze…

  5. ^ The in-power Democrats don’t breed much. But their constituents breed like guinea pigs. Of course, some of those have be aborted due to Democrat’s cultural aversion to melanin.

  6. Go ahead and nominate Butt-gig. It may cost the Dems the Black and Hispanic vote If I’m not mistaken in 2008, they voted for Obama, but against gay marriage.

  7. Bawney “Moobs” Fwank is correct, Beto will now have to come out as “bi” or say he engaged in a few encounters to stay in the spotlight. Can’t y’all just wait to hear Bernie, Sleepy Joe and the others regale us with their exploits from back in the day? Ewwwwww…..

  8. The Beto nut will change gears, discovering that he was a queer all along.

    “After listening to Barney, I realized something about myself. It brought back repressed memories of when I was 5 years old and a neighbor boy pulled down my shorts. It gave me an exquisite feeling. I had repressed the thought till I heard what Barney said. Finally, I’m out of the closet after suffering for 30 years.”

  9. Frank doesn’t realize what an asset he could be to the 2020 clown car of candidates. He just needs the right prop and he could be the Karl Rove of the DNC. Instead of a white board, what “prop” do you suggest for Barney to use during interviews on the 24/7 TV media?


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