Former DEA Agent Says FBI Informant Invited Him to Capitol on Jan. 6 and Pressured Him to Enter – IOTW Report

Former DEA Agent Says FBI Informant Invited Him to Capitol on Jan. 6 and Pressured Him to Enter

A now-former DEA agent who attended the peaceful rally in Washington on Jan. 6, but never entered the Capitol building, is facing serious prison time for being there that day, and he told Fox News on Thursday he was only there because someone associated with the FBI invited him.

With what we’ve learned in recent weeks, it wouldn’t at all seem out of order for the FBI to entrap an American citizen — even a DEA agent. The bureau is now accused of leading the alleged plot to kidnap Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer last year.

It appears as though that entire plot might have been little more than a case of entrapment, and such schemes might only be the tip of the iceberg.

According to military combat veteran and recently fired DEA agent Mark Ibrahim, he is facing major charges for being outside of the Capitol on Jan. 6, where he destroyed no property, hurt no one and stayed out of the building while others breached it. read more

4 Comments on Former DEA Agent Says FBI Informant Invited Him to Capitol on Jan. 6 and Pressured Him to Enter

  1. I order to execute a successful “set-up”, you would have to induce someone to commit an actual crime. This guy, ad hundreds like him, did nothing but show up, yet they are being prosecuted by corrupt prosecutors, and tried and sentenced by corrupt judges; defense attorneys (liberals, all) refuse to take the cases. This is North Korean-style political persecution. Where are the republicans in congress??? Where is my country?

  2. Sorry for the long post, but here is my (possibly) conspiracy theory. January 6 was an FBI setup aided by some ANTIFA False Flag. We have seen how the FBI/DOJ/Deep state hates Trump. They abused FSA surveillance, the fake Steele dossier that was known about ahead of time, the Mueller investigation, and the list goes on. We have seen how they setup the Whitmer kidnapping with 12 of 18 people involved that were FBI informants. I think this was to accomplish two things. 1. Make the FBI look good. 2. Discredit people on the right. Back to 1/6. The setup was known about ahead of time by others outside the FBI. This is why Pelosi and others refused the extra police. The problem to overcome then is if congress members are hurt, killed, or taken hostage there would be a full-on investigation and the FBI’s role would be discovered.
    The FBI had to get the building cleared without raising suspicions. If they just cleared the building without an explanation, it might make people think they knew something ahead of time and didn’t tell anyone. Others, unaware that something was up, would not reinforce the police. This would be a major black eye to the Bureau. If intelligence was shared, it had to be shared with all members of Congress, both friend and foe. This would raise a question. If the FBI knew something was up enough to clear congress, why didn’t they insist on police reinforcements against possible objections by Pelosi, et al? Once again, a black eye and an investigation. The problem then becomes how it to clear the building and not raise suspicions. Enter the pipe bomber. By planting bombs which were all found, there was no injury to anyone or any property and a reason to clear congress without raising suspicions. He was an FBI plant. That’s why they can’t find him, and the information disseminated about him is insufficient for the public to assist. They don’t want him found. Once things started with the help of ANTIFA and the informants/plants, the capitol police were told to wave the protestors in. I don’t know if the Capitol Police knew to do this ahead of time or not.
    In summary The FBI conceived it, had the deep state and Trump haters facilitate it, got others to instigate it (The proud Boys leader who wasn’t indicted, the ANTIFA goons who were seen as part of the crowd), got the Capitol police to allow it to grow, and informants/plants within the mob were allowed to make it expand to the mess it became. All this to get Trump. The Dems wanted to get Trump, discredit the right, and use it as a pretense to instigate Tyrannical measures.

  3. @Tony R July 25, 2021 at 5:23 pm

    > they are being prosecuted by corrupt prosecutors

    There are no corrupt prosecutors. No honest prosecutors would aid their works. No honest judges would accept any works tainted by them. If work product is accepted, at face value, there are only “prosecutors”.

    > and tried and sentenced by corrupt judges

    There are no corrupt judges. No honest judges would accept any works tainted by them. No honest legislature would dally to impeach all judges that accepted their works. If work product is accepted, at face value, there are only “judges”.

    There is only The Party. The one Party. That all must swear allegiance to. To be allowed to attack The Party’s enemies. With impunity. In the name of The Party.

    > This is North Korean-style political persecution

    Defense of The Party, against those The Party calls enemy, is an act of patriotism.

    > Where are the republicans in congress???

    Defense of The Party, against those The Party calls enemy, is an act of patriotism.

    > Where is my country?

    I hear Jeffrey Epstein’s estate has an island available.

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