Former Dem Senator Barbara Boxer Registered as Foreign Agent for China Spy Firm – IOTW Report

Former Dem Senator Barbara Boxer Registered as Foreign Agent for China Spy Firm

Geller Report:

This is treason. This is party of sedition. Eric Eric Swalwell banging Chinese spy, Fang Fang. Hunter Biden’s pecker knee deep in Chinese graft and corruption ….

Former Sen. Barbara Boxer is now working for a Chinese surveillance firm

9 Comments on Former Dem Senator Barbara Boxer Registered as Foreign Agent for China Spy Firm

  1. Nice to see everyone’s getting in line for some of that CCP Commie money.

    Just like we know Trump won, we know democrats are selling America out to China

  2. Oops – BUSTED!

    “…“Due to the intense response to my registration I have determined that my continued work has become a negative distraction from my effort to preserve American jobs and make the company better,” Boxer wrote on Twitter Tuesday afternoon. “Therefore I have deregistered.”…”

    I have one slight change to her quote: “Due to the truth-based patriot news media outlets, my continued greed and hypocrisy has been exposed,” Boxer wrote on Twitter Tuesday afternoon. “Therefore I have deregistered.”…

  3. William Barr singled handedly turned our nation over to the ChiComms. SINGLE-HANDEDLY.

    Given the complete corruptio of ALL our systems, we have to secede to escape the wave ot tyanny we are about to be subject to.

  4. “…“Due to the intense response to my registration I have determined that my continued work will have to be delayed until after Kamala’s inauguration which should be by Valentine’s Day and can be hidden from the press better.”

  5. @Different Tim

    She’s no stranger to the “back door” route!

    I remember that “call me Senator” Boxer was interrupted while engaged in a sex act on her congressional office desk. Truly a class act!


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