Former ESPN employees who refused Covid jab slap network with a federal lawsuit – IOTW Report

Former ESPN employees who refused Covid jab slap network with a federal lawsuit

BPR: A federal lawsuit against ESPN has been filed on behalf of two former employees who allege they were fired for failing to subject themselves to the sports company’s COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

Allison Williams, a former ESPN reporter, and Beth Faber, a long-time producer at the network, requested exemptions to the mandate based on religious and disability grounds. Both exemptions were denied, and in late 2021, both of the women were let go.

The suit, filed on Wednesday in U.S. District Court in Connecticut, names both ESPN and its parent company, The Walt Disney Company, and claims ESPN made “no serious attempt” to “accommodate” the women, who say they faced “discrimination… based on their religious beliefs.”

“Forcing [them] to choose between continuation of their employment and a violation of their religious beliefs in order to retain their livelihoods imposes a substantial burden on plaintiffs’ ability to conduct themselves in accordance with their sincerely held religious beliefs,” argued attorney Christopher Dunn in the filing.

As BizPac Review reported in September 2021, Williams announced that she would not be covering college football after declining to take the jab while trying to conceive her second child. more

11 Comments on Former ESPN employees who refused Covid jab slap network with a federal lawsuit

  1. How about some reparations for some stuff that has happened a lot sooner and effected all colors of peoples.

    The Military is now looking at backpay issues.
    They give it to other FED employees after every shutdown.
    That would be the fair and democratic thing to do.
    Integrity Counts is what we are told.
    Prove it Congress

  2. I was just thinking about the timeline of the Karens.

    Plandemic starts, they want all businesses shut down to save Grandma.
    Then they blamed kids, I remember that one when a dumb ass old lady(even older than me) almost got her face smashed in yelling about my granddaughter being in the store with me.
    Then masks and you were selfish and wanted to kill Grandma if you didn’t wear one.
    Then Grandma was locked up and left to die alone and couldn’t even have a funeral and it was the fault of the selfish who wouldn’t wear a mask.
    Then the jabs, again selfish for not taking a jab to protect Grandma again. Then they wanted it public knowledge and people locked in their homes if they didn’t take the jab. If you didn’t take the jab and you worked for a POS company they made sure you had to be tested almost daily. If you tested positive no work for you for 2 weeks and they weren’t paying you.
    Now people die and you comment another jabbed person dead and it’s private medical information and you don’t have the right to know their vaccination status.
    Seems like I also remember many people just trying to buy a sandwich being asked their vaccination status.

  3. Not wanting the ‘jab’ should have NOTHING to do with religion, color, race, gender or any other class of human nature.

    Inoculations of ANY type should ALWAYS be up to the individual…period.

  4. This is so sad. Jackson Ball, 6 dies suddenly from catastrophic brain event January 6, 2023, but saved lives by donating his organs.
    His very liberal father that is clear to see through his tweets, tweeted in May in regards to death jabs being approved for kids.
    “My little ones are excited. They actually are. Because it means they can get some candy afterward.”

    January 12th someone tweeted this to him:
    “I am so very sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the pain. If your sweet boy was given the covid shots, please use his death to spare other families this pain by speaking the truth about how the are injuring and the lives they are taking.”
    He replied this:
    “Only going to say this once. The covid vaccine saves lives. Go elsewhere to spread this ignorance.”

    His twitter is Billy Ball.
    CardinalandPine, formerly ncpolicywatch. Contributor washingtonpost.
    UNCHussmangrad. Journalism is the best job ever.

  5. The principles of ESPN and Disney should have to dig into their own pants to pay off these litigants. Stockholders had nothing to do with their Nazi decisions.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …


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