Former failed presidential candidate/victim Hillary Clinton says she’s not shutting up, no matter what! – IOTW Report

Former failed presidential candidate/victim Hillary Clinton says she’s not shutting up, no matter what!

I wonder what she’ll break next?

Breitbart: Former failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton said that she would not go away and stop talking about her concerns about President Donald Trump, despite the noise from critics who want her off the public stage.

During a paid speech at Rutgers University, Clinton was asked by the moderator to respond to the critics who wanted her to “get off the public stage and shut up.”

“They never said that to any man who wasn’t elected,” she said, as the audience applauded. She accused the media of leading the charge of asking that question, pointing out that it was sexist. She pointed out that Al Gore continued talking about climate change after he lost the election and John Kerry became Secretary of State and John McCain returned to the Senate after he lost to Obama. more here

34 Comments on Former failed presidential candidate/victim Hillary Clinton says she’s not shutting up, no matter what!

  1. When you’ve had to mark down your speaking fee by 85%, opening your yap is all you have left if you’re the only viable breadwinner for your crime family.
    Hillary opening her yap is like the Fruit of the Month Club–it’s the gift that keeps on giving!

  2. Why sit in silence and be assumed a fool when she can open her Huma-ass-stinking yap and prove the premise?

    Yammer on – you and Mad Max are doing more damage to National and Inter-National Socialism than the so-called Republicans.

    izlamo delenda est …

  3. “I wonder what she’ll break next?”

    Other than wind?

    How about the democrat party? Keep talking, Hillary. You’re creating more Republicans than the NRSC or NRCC ever did.

  4. As long as liberal academia and businesses pay her $25,000 +, she’ll keep talking and the complicit media will keep placing her on a pedestal.

    Sooner or later she’ll run out of people to blame.

  5. “They never said that to any man who wasn’t elected.”
    That’s because the men never spent a year and a half blaming everyone but their mothers for losing.
    So will ya shut it already?

  6. Didn’t Dems finally say SHUT UP to Adlai Stevenson ? Like we’re saying to Mittens now?
    If you keep losing you need to go away.

    Except. Don’t. Nothing like the sound of an angry nagging bitch.

  7. Christmas coming early this year. Just keep letting Mrs. Clinton, David Hogg, Keith Ellis and all the rest of the dem shills keep telling us everything they think and want to do. That is not going to help them grow their crazy ass base.

  8. I don’t pay much attention to the free range insane who roam the streets since the state closed the local mental hospital. But sometimes you can’t help but overhear a few words of the conversation they seem to be having with God, the Universe, or someone who isn’t there.

    What they say is more interesting than fuck all comes out of Cankles mouth. What a bitter, old, vindictive bitch.

  9. I prescribe Ammodium for the brain.

    100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000cc’s oughta do the trick… maybe… 😳

  10. Once, years ago, I was strolling around DC, down on the Mall (while at work), and this crazy old dirty blond-headed fat-ass thick-cankled white woman in a robe (may have been Stanley Ann) was yelling “NIGGER!” and associated insults at all the black guys who passed her.

    I thought they’d kill her, but they (all) just laughed at her and shook their heads.

    That is HRC’s future. She’s lost her grip on reality and is descending into madness. Even though she’s managed to steal Hundreds of $Millions from assorted traitors and opportunists, and murdered most of her opponents, and achieved great things far beyond her abilities, she’s hateful and suspicious – and that paranoia is consuming her (the overindulgence in alcohol doesn’t help, either).

    If she weren’t so damned annoying, we should probably pity her.

    izlamo delenda est …

  11. Hillary Clinton, affectionately known as Hitllary should just curl up under a house already. She sucks, but not in a good way. I bet she thinks she’s a pillow princess. What a nasty old hag.

    Was that sexist enough for elitist world view?

  12. I’m 77 years old. In that time I’ve found myself surrounded by lots of crazy, corrupt, mentally challenged creatures from time to time. Yet, despite those experiences I still am stunned that ANYONE able to walk around free actually would go to listen to and applaud that vile creature.

    Tim, I’m also old enough to reserve my pity, if any still exists within me, for those who pose no direct threat to the rest of us.

  13. I’m not one of those wishing her to shut up, pretty sure those are all Dims.
    I want her to talk, tumble, tipple, to her tiny black hearts content.
    Bless her heart.

  14. She will stop when her speaking fees dry up. And that’s close. I read a report yesterday that her average fees have dropped over 700%. The report went on to say “Snookie” (What ever the hell that is) is currently getting higher speaking fees than Hitlary.

  15. Gore turned into a con artist, Kerry brought James Taylor over to France after the Paris terrorist attacks, and McCain finally quit even pretending he was a Republican or even a little bit conservative. These fellas didn’t whine about losing, but just moved on to other money grubbing rackets.

  16. Wyatt makes a good point. Hillary’s madness & hate over loosing her turn as president, runs deeper than her love of money.

    Else she would have moved on to joining the long list of former losers in finding a new hustle.

    She just can’t let it go. After all her victory was something carefully planned to be in the bag, with a corrupt backup plan to guarantee victory. Then her plans, schemes & dreams got Trumped.

  17. It’s like living close to railroad tracks, after awhile you don’t notice the trains or the noise they make. You’ve been shooting your fat mouth off for decades Hillary, and to me your just another train.

  18. It seems to me that she doth protest too much…

    But there is another of the same feather, Jeb

    the one whose pains and tribulations they also declare to be unfair

    The one no one can stop seeing, tho many try

    and if given another chance, the crown they mean to pry

    but as with two, the third chance they would still cry

    Perhaps, they should join and that would be a sight

    as they both fight for what they feel is right

    the fight to the death as to which star is the most bright

    They would save us all, country world and God

    As they became a circle firing squad,

    fighting for their self proclaimed right

    Jeb and Hillary, destroyed not by the other

    but by their all consuming self made right.

    (All rights reserved, all stomach upset or brain pain is NOT my fault ever into perpetuity)

    MSG Grumpy

    PS: Any and all help with the meter or rhyme will be joyfully accepted until you are better than me, then we will do a JebVsHillary all over again,/sarc\ – included free for all)

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