Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok Has Found Another Vast Russian Conspiracy To Investigate – IOTW Report

Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok Has Found Another Vast Russian Conspiracy To Investigate


It is pathetic and laughable, and it would be more pathetic and laughable if the ancillary issues represented by the idiocy were not so serious.

Former FBI lead Counterintelligence Agent Peter Strzok, the person who investigated the vast Trump-Russia conspiracy theory for two years and spent hundreds of millions of taxpayer funds in the process, has found another Russian conspiracy theory to promote.

Stand back and look at this from an intellectual and reasonable standard for a moment and just accept the insanity of it all.  Peter Strzok is claiming that Fox News Host Tucker Carlson and former Democrat Congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard are actual Russian operatives working for the Kremlin. read more

11 Comments on Former FBI Agent Peter Strzok Has Found Another Vast Russian Conspiracy To Investigate

  1. Well, he is definitely an ENEMY of the US whether or not he’s being paid by the Ukrainians or the Russians or the chinks or whoever.

    Fuckin scumbag lying treasonous piece of shit should be hanged.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  2. …aaand why isn’t this evil POS in prison? Oh, yeah, delays until a stolen election keeps him in good stead, along with his “friend with benefits” Page, and Comey, Clapper, and, and…

  3. This isn’t the kind of comment someone makes who is cooperating with or worried about the Durham Investigation. Wonder if his wife has let him back in the bedroom? Traitorous bastard.

  4. Struck/Stroke (h/t Rush) needs a double throat punch, hung by his pubes, and beaten like a cheap piñata.

  5. @cato March 16, 2022 at 1:41 pm

    > How about Clapper, Lynch, Barr, Holder, Comey, Mueller and Brenner?
    > All enemies of the State.

    All allies of the State.
    Enemies of the people.
    (Same as the State.)


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