Former GOP presidential nominee Bob Dole says he has advanced lung cancer – IOTW Report

Former GOP presidential nominee Bob Dole says he has advanced lung cancer

Just The News: Former GOP presidential candidate and Kansas Sen. Bob Dole announced Thursday that he has advanced lung cancer.

The 97-year-old Dole made the announcement on Twitter, as reported by The New York Post. more

14 Comments on Former GOP presidential nominee Bob Dole says he has advanced lung cancer

  1. Stress from the Washington endless BS stream will cut our life spans much shorter. Hopefully Bob feels he had a good life and is at peace as the end approaches.

  2. Politics aside I am thankful for one thing he did, he helped draft the hospice benefit in 1981. Wonder if he will opt for it? Probably not. The higher ups usually go private duty all the way.

  3. Cancer sucks, I lost my wife to leukemia 8 years ago and 4 lifelong friends over the past 2 years to cancer as well. He survived being seriously wounded at Anzio in World War 2 and has lived to be 97 which is something a lot of WW 2 never lived to be that old. God bless him for his service and I still wish he would’ve beaten Slick Willie in 96.

  4. I’m not disrespecting Dole and his cancer, but thinking of him as anything but a political insider is a mistake.

    Anyone that isn’t doesn’t last long, it’s just the way it is.

  5. The probability of any man living to 97 is astoundingly low. It’s even more amazing for someone like Dole who suffered a severe shrapnel wound in Northern Italy on April 14, 1945. I mean, the probability of him living to see April 15, 1945 was about 50-50

    He lived 65 years on after suffering a wound that put him in a body cast for 2 years. Unbelievable!

    Sadly, I don’t think he’ll live much longer


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