Former head of FDA says 6 ft. distancing rule was ‘arbitrary’: ‘Nobody knows where it came from’ – IOTW Report

Former head of FDA says 6 ft. distancing rule was ‘arbitrary’: ‘Nobody knows where it came from’

It came from a cow pasture. Because it’s bullshit.

BPR: If you get the sense that the so-called “experts” are making it all up when it comes to the pandemic, former commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration Scott Gottlieb is only going to reinforce that notion.

Gottlieb, who is plugging a new book, “Uncontrolled Spread: Why COVID-19 Crushed Us and How We Can Defeat the Next Pandemic,” appeared on CBS’s “Face the Nation” and said the 6 ft. social distancing requirement recommended by the U.S. Centers of Disease Control and Prevention was “arbitrary.”

“The six feet rule was arbitrary in and of itself,” Gottlieb said. “Nobody knows where it came from. Most people assume that the six feet of distance, the recommendation for keeping six feet apart, comes out of some old studies related to flu, where droplets don’t travel more than six feet. We now know COVID spreads through aerosols. We’ve known that for a while, so how operative is that?”

He said the six-foot rule “is a perfect example of sort of the lack of rigor around how CDC made recommendations.”

Gottlieb also said it was “the single reason why most schools remained shut.”

“If CDC had said you have to keep kids three feet apart, then a lot of schools would have been able to open,” he added. “In fact, when the Biden administration wanted to open schools in the spring, this past spring, they got the CDC to change that guidance from six feet to three feet.” more

21 Comments on Former head of FDA says 6 ft. distancing rule was ‘arbitrary’: ‘Nobody knows where it came from’

  1. About as mysterious (and murky) as the age-old question: “Why did the chicken cross the road?”

    Dr FOUCHI: So that it could socially distance itself from the other chickenz.

    HILLARY CLINTON: What difference at this point does it make why the chicken crossed the road?

    BILL CLINTON: I did not cross the road with that chicken.

    AL GORE: I invented the chicken.

    JERRY NADLER: The chicken never crossed the road. That’s a myth!

    JOHN McCAIN: My friends, the chicken crossed the road because he recognized the need to reach across the isle in cooperation and dialogue with all the chickens on the other side of the road.

    JOHN KERRY: Although I voted to let the chicken cross the road, I am now against it! It was the wrong road to cross, and I was misled about the chicken’s intentions. I am not for it now, and will remain against it.

    AL SHARPTON: Why are all the chickens white?

    ANDERSON COOPER: We have reason to believe there is a chicken, but we have not yet been allowed to have access to the other side of the road.

    NANCY GRACE: That chicken crossed the road because he’s guilty! You can see it in his eyes and the way he walks.

    DR SEUSS: Did the chicken cross the road?
    Did he cross it with a toad?
    Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I’ve not been told.

    JESSE JACKSON: Did the chicken cross the road?
    Did he cross it with a toad?
    Yes, the chicken crossed the road, but why it crossed I’ve not been told.

    JOHN LENNON  Imagine all the chickens in the world crossing roads
    together, in peace.

    GORDON RAMSAY: Why did the chicken cross the road?

    COLONEL SANDERS: Did I miss one?

  2. All of it is bullshit. Masks that don’t work, shields that don’t work, shots that don’t work unless of course they’re working as planned, as is my opinion.

    Where the hell did common sense go? You don’t stop a coronavirus, whether it’s man made or natural. People get sick, you treat those who get sick, the weak don’t survive and you build immunity that depending on your immune system either keeps you from catching it again or makes it not make you as sick the next time.

    That’s how shit works, how it’s always worked, that’s science.
    If they didn’t come up with a test that is not really a test according to the guy who invented it. If the government didn’t tell doctors to vent people and count every death as covid if testing positive for covid or possibly symptoms of covid even if they had other reasons for death such as dying in a motorcycle accident. Covid would just be another virus.

  3. Hell, most of us knew it was arbitrary, and bullshit,when different countries had different lengths for socialist distancing.
    Some more, some less than the 6 foot equivalent and none of it made any sense.

  4. The power hungry need to dispense rules and regulations for people to follow otherwise they are powerless. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous the rules are. Suggesting the 6ft rule is arbitrary and has no basis in science is deemed harmful, as is any information that is dispensed that doesn’t come from an authoritative source, aka from someone that is power hungry.

  5. “Seventh planet reference.”

    More like ninth grade reference. The stupid rule came from some high schooler’s science project…

    … before that, the outdated science of a German bacteriologist named Carl Flugge in 1897.

    The CDC knows this, it’s just too embarrassed to admit it.

  6. @ORWW,

    Everybody wants to “believe in The Science TM”

    Well kids, the theory of evolution has scientific underpinnings. Do you believe/trust that as science? Well, yeah, evolution is not a positive force, it is the result of the accumulated negative effect of lots and lots of dying. Welcome to the cutting edge of “Science”.

  7. Look at the bright side:
    *A totally not legitimate cabal now has total control of the US government (and its military)
    *Trillions of dollars of humanity’s wealth was destroyed, but new cash was printed by leftists to be used at their whimsy
    *Chunks of the limited lifespan of billions of people was stolen by these criminals–irretrievably
    *Trust in their fellow man was irreversibly trashed for billions of people
    *No apology is to be expected by these self-righteous tyrannical fascists

    But keep your head down, and have a nice day! 🙂

  8. They just pulled a number out of their ass so that they could break the rule with impunity and shove that in our faces.

    “It is precisely for this reason that DNs tend to be VERY enthusiastic about law qua law in a Pharisaical and tyrannical sense – because every new law is yet another potential way for the DN to manifest their superiority and otherness – by dispensing themselves from it. DNs wallow in hypocrisy like hogs wallow in fecal mud. If there were no law for DNs to dispense themselves from, there would be no distinction, no “otherness”, no over-and-aboveness relative to the unwashed masses.”

  9. Back in the ‘60’s, a reporter asked the head of the FCC (IIRC) how many anti-smoking PSAs should be shown as per how many cigarette commercials. Off the top off his head, he said one PSA per three commercials (again, IIRC).

    And thus, from a number pulled out of a hat, a standard was born.

  10. The 6 foot distance was probably just part of the ritual. There’s a video of a British hypnotist who explains how preparations for hypnotizing and controlling people include a ritual. He compares what has gone on with the plandemic to that.

  11. “Nobody knows where it came from”?? Strange that it was immediately implemented worldwide within just days. I was in Europe and as I traveled to the US the same signs, “rules”, and markings on the floor everywhere. It just looked so obviously planned.

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